01: Three

991 33 6

(F/N) - First Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(F/C) - Favorite Color

(E/C) - Eye Color

(H/C) - Hair Color

T h i  r d   P e r s o n

                   "(F/N)..." Your brother sighed as you locked eye-contact with him, seconds after he bolted through the glass doors of the Chicago Police Department. "(F/N) what did you get yourself into?! First thing I see your name written in blood, blood, and then I'm receiving a phone call off this detective guy saying they took you in for questioning!"

"There's no need to worry," You grumbled, a pissed off expression plastered on your face. You were in a bad mood. Your brother could literally see the dark aura looming off you.

They tested you to see if you were a conduit, your tests came back one-hundred percent human, detective after detective probed you with the same dull, stereotypical, questions and still believed you were a cold-blooded murderer. They hadn't even come to think about the fact that you were the victim in all this, what you were. Plus, they handcuffed your right hand to the metal armrest of the uncomfortable chair in front of the front desk. Also the, in your defense, obnoxious officers sat you in-between a Texan prostitute with a knack for talking about her clients' you-know-whats and a weepy junkie who was still actually high.

"My, my, my, ain't he one for the eyes," The Texan, Susanna, on your left started, reapplying her makeup and shooting a seductive-yet-not-so-seductive look towards your brother as he walked up to the front desk and talked to the police officer that handcuffed you - Detective Mick Nolan. "Damn..."

"Wouldn't mind someone like him once in awhile- -if you know what I mean!" She let out a cackle what was just noise in your ears, seemed like the junkie didn't like her laugh either as he held his head in-between his knees.

You just completely ignored her comments about your brother and watched him as he filled in various white sheets of paper before turning to you with the key to the handcuffs and a smirk. "Praise the Lord," You muttered as he came over and unlocked you from the chair. "Ugh- -those things hurt y'know?"

"Especially when your handcuffed to a chair," He replied as you got up and dusted yourself off. For some reason your brother seemed edgy about talking to you. You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms. "You wouldn't believe what I was told..." Your brother awkwardly laughed. 

"Do tell me what's going on it that empty head of yours," You hissed. Your words sounded less sarcastic in your head than they did out loud. "Hm?"

"You need to lighten the fuck up (F/N)," He complained, scowling. Sighing, you rolled your eyes and he continued with what he had to say. "Anyway...Thepolicewantyoutobewatchedoverbysomepeoplebecauseyourstillasuspect," He let out a loud sigh after babbling complete gibberish.

"Do you wanna' repeat yourself?" You stated looking more confused then ever, more confused than you were when the detectives kept using fancy words to make you spit out answers that you did not have. "Not all at once this time,"

He let out another sigh. "The police want you to be watched over by some people because, to them, you're still a suspect," Your jaw dropped. Before you could start protesting and shouting at all of the officers, and getting arrested again, your brother just dragged you out of the station with a red-face as you squirmed in his grip. There was no way you were going to stand for being classed as a suspect.

"Who's gonna be watching over me then? Better not be that damn detective..." You grumbled once you were well away from the police station. "I seriously don't need watching over! Can like you or Indigo do that? Not some random stranger?"

"Sorry (F/N)...No can do," He explained, scratching the back of his neck. "But who is watching over you- -that I do not know. All they told me was that they would be coming 'round to the apartment tomorrow or something, they're not from here you see- -you've got the VIP treatment, (Y/N), since you're involved in Chicago's most confusing murder,"

"You make it sound like it's a good thing," You complained, starting to walk back to your work to retrieve your belongings. 

TIME SIKPUH (the next day)~~

If it wasn't for your manager's strange obsession with you, you wouldn't have gotten away with coming into to work half way through the day. Normally it would have been an early start, but no, not today. Today you were meeting the people watching over you as you went about your daily life with no hesitation because you had nothing to hide. And you wanted the police to know that.

Sleep was lingering over you, you were awake - but not fully awake. "Morning," You mumbled as you slouched into the living room and collapsing on the sofa next to your brother. He looked at you with a scared expression, still believing you were in a bad mood. You were trying you best not to be. "Oh don't look at me like that- -I'm perfectly fine today,"

"Let's hope," He whispered, sipping some juice. 

"Oh good you're awake!" Indigo announced, emerging from her bedroom. "Y'know you didn't go grocery shopping..." You just turned to her and shot her a look.

"I'm sorry but I was getting arrested, so I didn't have that much time to go and get your oh-so-precious food," You stated sarcastically. "I'll go after work today I promise,"

"Thank you (F/N)~~" She sang before skipping into the bathroom. "FUCK!"

Your brother held up the toilet paper roll with a smug look on his face. "That's what you get for shooting me in the ass yesterday Indigo..." He mused, tucking into a bowl of cereal.

"She- -she shot- -What exactly went on here when I was at work?" She stated scoffing at your brother's actions while an amused smile was on your face.

"...Long story," He said muffled, you just got what he said since he was eating a mouthful of Lucky Charms while answering your question. "Your watching people- -the people the police have hired should be here any minute now,"


You and your brother carried on as if the offensive screaming from your roommate was not there, chatting about the news and whatnot- -trying to act as normal as possible. But then your front door opened and three people waltzed in as if they lived there. You knew these three people, your brother knew these three people, Indigo, who had just finished up in the bathroom, knew these three people. Basically everybody knew who these three people were.

Who these three conduits were.

"Wow (F/N). You look a lot more attractive than you do on your mug shot,"

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