02: Protectors

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(F/N) - First Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(N/N) - Nickname

(F/C) - Favorite Color

(E/C) - Eye Color

(H/C) - Hair Color

T h i  r d   P e r s o n

                 "Wow (F/N). You look more attractive now than you do in your mug shot," The one and only Delsin Rowe stated, shooting you sly look before while dropping a black and white duffel bag on the wooden floor of your apartment. Before you could even grasp words to say to the guy, he started to walk around your home having a nosy in all of the rooms alongside the purple-haired conduit, Fetch.

"Uhm- -"

Your brother cleared his throat and the conduits turned to look at him, apart from Eugene of course - who was too obsessed with his phone to care about everything going on around him. Delsin completely ignored your brother and what he was about to say and looked over at his friend. "C'mon seriously Eugene? Your just gonna stand around on your game? We've got things to do- -"

"Yep," He butted into Delsin's speech, making the Akomish conduit sigh.

"S-So your the people the police hired to keep an eye on me?" You questioned, finally able to get a decent sentence out of your mouth.

"Well..." Fetch started. "That's what we were gonna do- -y'know follow orders and stuff- -"

"Wait. So you're not looking over (F/N)?" Indigo butted in taking seat next to you on the sofa. "Why are you guys here then?" You were pretty sure Fetch was going to explain her point but then Indigo just jumped the gun.

"W-We are keeping an eye on (F/N), i-in the CPD's point of view - that is," Eugene mumbled looking up from his phone before quickly turning back to it.

"Yeah- -we're gonna more like your 'protectors'," Fetch continued.

"Protectors? Isn't that basically the same thing as what the police want you to do?" Your brother questioned, prying for answers off these conduits. He wanted to know what exact involvement they had with his little sister.

"Oh no no no, my friend. No, the police want us to keep an eye on (F/N) because they believe she's the killer- -so they're looking out for any murderery qualities and stuff," Delsin explained, in a nonchalant tone. "We, on the other hand, are keeping an eye out for you- -protecting you from the killer,"

"Protecting me from Celia..." You muttered under your breath, but the Akomish conduit heard you and raised an eyebrow but was unable to say anything about it since your roommate butted in.

"At least you guys believe (F/N) is innocent," She said relieved, your brother nodded along.

"By the way," Delsin started, turning to you. "We're gonna be following you to work, every time you go outside and we'll need a room to crash here- -Y'know for your own protection,"

"Sure, sure..." You mumbled, scratching the back of your neck. "Uh- -Can I sort that out later? I have to get ready to go to work,"

"Yeah, 'course," He said, folding his arms across his chest. "You're gonna have to tell us when you're finished and all- -or do you need help in getting changed?" The conduit smirked, his ego through the roof.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." You said sarcastically shoving him to the side as you walked towards your bedroom. 

"Touch my little sister and I'll kill you," Your brother hissed, standing face to face with Delsin. With a surprisingly cheeky grin on his face, he poked your shoulder, before you disappeared into your room, just to piss of your brother more. "You little fuck," 

Delsin took a step back and held up his hands seconds after a bolt of green light skimmed Delsin's side. "HEY. HEY. STOP," He shouted, looking behind him at the hole in the wall what went through into your room revealing you whilst changing into your work uniform. "Jeez man- -I was joking, lighten up a little...we're gonna be here for awhile,"

It took you a second to realize there was a hole in the wall and your brother and Delsin were standing scarily close to it. "WHAT THE HELL?!" You yelled kneeling down too look through it while covering your chest with a shirt. "Who the fuck did this?!"

"Your brother," Delsin said simply. "He told me not to touch you then I poked your shoulder then- -well, then this happened," He signaled to the mess your older sibling made. You couldn't help but notice he was enjoying the view.

Grumbling various words, you shuffled to the bathroom that was connected your room to finish up getting changed in there. Throughout the whole time you were cleaning up your appearance and pulling on your work clothes, you could hear inaudible arguing from your brother and the three conduits that were 'protecting' you.

"Alright I'm off to work," You announce, coming out of your room all dressed and ready. You almost sounded tired, as if you couldn't be bothered with the day. And surely after the events just of this morning, you just wanted to go back to bed. "Indigo- -Indie?"

"Yeah?" She mumbled emerging from her bedroom with her phone in hand.

"Want anything specific from the store when I go?" She shook her head and took a seat next to your annoyed brother as he calmed down from shouting at Delsin, Fetch and Eugene. "Okay then, see you guys later," You were doing your very best to get out of the door quickly and escape your so-called bodyguards, but they were conduits - they had a major advantage against a human like you.

"And where do you think your going?" Delsin said, smoke dashing to your side. Fetch and Eugene walked behind you as you exited the apartment block.

"I literally said, two seconds ago that I was off to work," You complained swinging your bag back and forth at your side. "Do conduits not listen to human conversations properly?"

"We listen," Delsin said defensively. "It's was just your brother was screaming at me...so I couldn't really hear anything else besides that," He played with smoke around his fingers, you watched as the black laces wove around his hand in an almost calming matter.

"A-Aren't your powers like- -aren't they bad for the environment...y'know, like global warming and stuff?" You questioned, leaving the poor conduit feeling dumbfounded. 

Out of all the questions he had been asked, that was surely the most strange. "The smoke thing? That power?"

"Well yeah," You said, shoving your hands into the pockets of your coat. "I mean- -it's not like neon, video or concrete...it's smoke, smoke pollutes the atmosphere so don't your powers have some sort of effect?"

"Looks like someone has done their homework," Delsin teased, pleased that you had taken an interest in him and his powers.

"Pssh..." You hissed with a flustered face, what the conduit just chuckled at. "W-We're not far from my work now- -just a few blocks,"

"Whadda' work as?"

"Doesn't my file tell you that?- -I mean my 'protector' should know that information," You commented sarcastically, speeding up your pace to get to work quickly. At least work would distract you from Delsin, Fetch and Eugene - even if the guy wasn't saying much, he was still there.

"Just making conversation," He hummed as we turned a corner, matching your pace.

Sighing, you diverted your gaze from the male to the street ahead of you. In the distance you could just seen the sign for the restaurant you worked at, being passed by various citizens of Chicago and multiple tourists pointing and gasping at the conduits you were surrounded by. Beside you, Delsin tensed and looked over his shoulder at his friends.

Of course, you took no notice since your brother began to text you all the things he needed from the store later. "Idiot..." You grumbled.

"You two get (F/N) into the restaurant, while- -" Delsin ordered, his voice suddenly becoming stern.

"What's up Smokes?" Fetch questioned and peered over his shoulder to what he was previously looking at, as did Eugene. "Oh shit..."

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