03: Simple

935 35 19

(F/N) - First Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(N/N) - Nickname

(F/C) - Favorite Color

(E/C) - Eye Color

(H/C) - Hair Color

A/N: 'Your brother' in the story now has a name! (FINALLY) Yeah, I never knew what to call him so I was just gonna stick with either putting 'He' or 'Your brother' but, thanks to a friend, he's now called Zak!~~

T h i r d P e r s o n

"C'mon Teen Angel, we gotta' get (F/N) out of here," Fetch started, agreeing with Delsin's plan. The pair watched as Delsin disappeared through a vent in a nearby alleyway, appearing on the roof above them. "We have to get her to the restaurant without her noticing the problem down the road..." She continued turning to Eugene.

'Without noticing the problem? What problem? ' You thought to yourself. The conduits didn't realize that you were, in fact, listening into their conversation in getting you to the restaurant you work in before looking down the road. Locking your phone and placing it in the pocket of your coat, you gazed up and laid eyes on the problem Fetch and Eugene were talking about.

"Oh my God..." You muttered, wide-eyed, only audible for your ears.

Further down the street, seconds away from were you work remained three monsters of sorts. From afar, they looked like three massive clumps of paper - folding and crumpling, changing their shape. But from where Delsin was, they were three 8ft creatures; armoring themselves with more and more paper - making his hits ineffective.

"The idiot!" You complained, as you watched him waste all of his energy on, supposedly, unbeatable paper figures. Fetch and Eugene looked stunned at you, as they realized you'd seen the whole fiasco.

Someone grabbed your waist, causing you to stumble backwards. A luminous pink-purple light glided around you as you darted down the hectic street as the citizens became aware of what was happening. Your head began to spin as you eventually slowed down in front of the restaurant. "Fuuu..." You groaned as whiplash punched you in the face and nausea swirled inside you. "Don't- -ugh- -do that again,"

"Go on, get inside," Fetch said ushering you into the almost empty restaurant.

"I'm- -" You could barely finish a sentence without groaning in pain. "I'm here for work...Phew- -Man, I need to sit down," Shakily, you made your way to a chair and rested your head against the table. You were too out-of-it to even realize you were sat at someone else's table while they were eating. "Can you stop your friend from whacking the things out there?"

"He's stopping them from attacking you- -do you really think were gonna stop him?" Fetch remarked, joining you at the table.

You grumbled various things as you stumbled while standing up before disappearing into the kitchen, Eugene followed you as the neon conduit went to her friend's aide. "Why can't you conduits use your initiative? Huh? Or does that burn out when you discover you powers?"

"Wh-what are you doing?" Eugene asked as you grabbed the fire-hose off the wall. "Y-You can't go out there..."

"C'mon~" You protested. "Your friends are going to waste all of their energy! They're not doing anything to damage those- -those things!"

"And a fire-hose is going to do that? Damage them?"

"Water makes paper turn into mush because it dissolves it- -did you not know that?"

"So you're going to go out there with a fire-hose and defeat them?"

You thought for a second. "Well it's not going to kill them just like that- -I mean, it's going to weaken their defense for Delsin and fetch to give the final blow," You began to walk out. "Why didn't you go outside and crush them with the He Who Dwells form?"

"I-I had to watch you to see i-if you didn't do something stupid," He recited his orders Fetch. You found it funny when he stuttered, reminded you of one of your geeky cousins from Connecticut.

"Okay," You said brightly. You senses were returning to you, you were determined to help the two idiotic conduits before they killed themselves. "Let's roll out,"

Filled with an unknown confidence, you ran through the restaurant - startling your co-workers while doing so - holding the surprisingly long fire-hose. "It was so simple...Why did they not think of this first?" You muttered to yourself as you signaled to Eugene to switch the water on.

Within a matter of seconds, water gushed out onto the street - firing straight at the paper creatures causing deep growls to emit from them. Delsin and Fetch watched as they melted at the force of the water. "(F/N) WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" The smoke conduit shouted, over the sound of the hose.

"SAVING YOUR ASS, YOU DUMBJACK!" You yelled back smirking at how you tilted the fight in their favor. "NOW! GUYS HIT THEM NOW!" Your orders got to them and they did what you said, battling against the spray of the water. Ever so quickly, you saw a flash of pink-purple and a light brown before Delsin and Fetch trudged out of the way covered in soggy pieces of paper and drenched in water.

"WE DID IT!" You exclaimed dropping the hose and flinging your hands in the air. "You guys might have gotten wet but at least I'm not dead!" Delsin and fetch chuckled at your statement and made their way over. Eugene joined you outside as did your co-workers and boss.

"You guys alright?" Eugene questioned as he appeared at your side.

"After we've dried off- -yeah, we should be," Fetch replied, smiling. Delsin, on the other hand, seemed like he was plastering on a fake smile. Why he was, you did not know.

"I think I have some spear clothes in my locker- -just to wear until we go back home," You explained, heading towards the restaurant.

"Don't tell me you're still going to work after what happened?" Delsin exasperated.

"Oh God no- -I'm just helping you out, 'cause I've still got to go grocery shopping," Informing them, you continued to walk inside. They both groaned what made you laugh.

Male co-worked lent Delsin a white shirt and some black jeans - while you let Fetch change into a pair of tracksuit-bottoms and long-sleeved black t-shirt, what you kept in your locker just in case you got something down your work uniform. "You're gonna have to keep your shoes though- -nothing I could do about them," You mumbled to Fetch as she finished re-tying her hair.

"Don't worry, it's fine- -luckily we're both the same size in clothing, to be honest I thought you were skinny than me," She said making you laugh.

Two knocks bounced off the changing room door. "Yeah?" You questioned to the figure behind the door. Delsin.

"Whadda' think? Fancy huh?" He said pleased with himself. You couldn't help but stare. You were literally able to see his abs through his shirt. "Like what ya' see (F/N)?"

"Pssh- -what? No..." You became flustered and looked away, causing the 24-year-old to laugh.

"Riiiight," Delsin said, a grin found it's way onto his face. "C'mon, let's go. I'm bored,"

"Patience is a virtue~" You sang as you passed him to get out of the changing room and enter the main section of the restaurant.

"Is that some quote from Yoda or something?" Delsin asked as you all set out to leave, you waved goodbye to everyone while laughing at the conduit's question.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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