~Chapter 4: New school and Mates

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With confidence,you have won before you have started
-Marcus Garvey

Chapter 4:New school and Mates

I see things nobody else sees

My annoying ass alarm clock goes off. First day of hell I mean school yeah that's what I think peope call it. Anyway I grabed some peach colored pants and a cute off the sholder black shrit that sais good girl with my black convers. I then hoped in the shower a washed up. I put my outfit on then ran down stairs to see a bowl with grapefruir set out. I got the bowl put some suger on it and started eating it. After I finished my food I ran out to my black truck and headed to school. When I pull up to the parking lot I see Cody, Jazz, and Adam all standing around his truck. So i run over to them. "Hey guys" I say. "Hey" they all say at the same time. My friends are weird, but not as weird as me. "So Adam what you teaching." I ask and yes Adam is going to teach and yes I forgot what he is teaching. "Physical Education" he says. That is perfect for you. You get to yell at people all day then come home and yell at people more." I say with fake enthusiasm. *Ring ring ring* the bell rings telling us to go to class. First I have Self-defense class. I say bye to my brother and my friends then head to class.


Once I finally find it the field where the class is I small a wonerful sent. Rain and morning is how it smells it is wonderful. I follow the scent. I then bump into a man i take a big wiff of the air to find out the sent is coming from him. I look up in his eyes. He growls low and says"Mate". I stand still and look in his eyes. Then I relize this is not some regular wolf this is Alpha Sam of the Dark Night pack. I rip my self out of his grip and run, leaveing him there looking shocked. Then like reality hit he runs after me. Right before I reach the forest line he grabs me by my waist and throws me over his sholder. I just sit there without trying to get free cuase i know there is no use in that. He carrys me back to where the other kids are sets me down and starts the lesson. This is going to be a long day.

Hey so tell me what you think of my book so far. And remember vote comment and tell your friends. Also up top iss a piture of lala and Jaylen.

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