*Android 18 x Evil!Sayan!FemReader

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(Dragon ball)
The Wish

18 PoV

As me and 17 got closer to Goku and his friends for a battle. They started planning as they all nodded and went to fight us,
As they were about to attack us a (S/c) woman with (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes started flying high as she started to make a giant (F/c) ball of Ki to throw to the planet. I could sense her Ki and i could tell it was massive... even more then Goku in his first super Sayan form !

"Gohan ! Picolo ! Go !" Yelled orders Goku as the mysterious woman threw the giant Ki ball to the earth.
Goku transformed in his Super sayan 2 knowing that this woman could easily beat him in he's Super Sayan 1.
He charge at her in the air as he headbutt her on the stomach. She made a face of pain but recovered her serious face as she punched him making Goku fly to a nearby building.

Picolo and Gohan attacked the massive Ki Ball heading to earth but it was useless they couldn't stop it. All of Goku's friend that could shoot a ki blast were helping to try and stop the giant Ki ball. Goku got into his Super Sayan 3 and Shooted a kamehameha at the Ki ball.
When they finally destroyed the Ki ball she looked at Goku with an annoyed face as she flew closer to all of us
"What do you think your doing ?.." she asked serious but her voice told us that she was annoyed.
"What do you think YOUR doing !! You could have destroyed the planet !!" yelled Goku at her as he got into a battle stance.
"Tch You and your planet are just a waste of my time" she said as she and Goku started fighting.

The others got the dragon balls together As they were about to summon the wishing dragon i looked at the woman i admired her as i blushed thinking of her made me feel funny. I shaked my head thinking of a thought
'They can't send her to another planet... i would never see her again..' i glared at the dragon balls as i flew to them and grabbed them all flying fastly into another place so they wouldn't wish her away.

When i got into another place far away making sure non of them followed me.
I looked at the dragon balls and smirked at an evil thought occurred to me...


As i finished beating all of them i looked at my hair and frowned..it was blonde...
(sorry if your blonde)
They made me use my Super Sayan 1..
I looked at them as i started to charge another attack a voice stopped me..
"I order you to stop" said the voice as i turned around to look who dared to order me it was a...Blonde woman ?
With blue eyes as she looked at me calmly with her hands on her hips.
"You dare ?" i said calmly as i transformed back to normal walking slowly to her.
"Stop" she said smirking as i stopped. I looked at myself confused as i tried to move but i couldn't. She walked to me as she smirked, when she got close to me she putted her arms around my neck as she put her body closer to mine.

"What? How did you !?" i asked a little scared of why i couldn't move..
She smiled as she got close to my ear
"I may have wished a little dragon to for you to obey me~" she purred on my ear as she kissed me. My eyes widened in shock as she kept kissing me. When she broke the kiss i asked her
"Tell me the truth ! How are you doing it !!!" i yelled as she smirked and got away from my body as she sat.
"As i told you a giant green dragon asked me for two wishes and i asked full command of your body and this" she showed me a lovers half heart necklace.
"And what does that do ?" i asked a little annoyed at this woman who is interfering with my plans on destroying earth.
"Oh? You mean this cutie ? Well it's a little necklace that tells me if your injured or healthy and safe.. white means healthy and safe..
And black means your injured or close to dead." she said as she putted half of the necklace on my neck as she putted the other half on her neck. She grinned as she kissed me one more time blushing slightly as i was a blushing mess
"I order you to stop trying to destroy the earth and rent an motel room so we can keep this more privately... " she purred on my lips leaving to 'help' Goku and the others.
I nodded weirdly but shook my head and went to do what was ordered, i stopped for q moment as i heard her voice once again

"Oh! By the way my names 18.." she said as i smiled softly
"Mine is (Y/n).." i said as i flew as fast as light to go do what 18 ordered me..
18 smiled as she went to the body of Goku and his friends
"I didn't need to order to know her name..." she smiled and left to 'help' the others.
As i kept flying i thought
'18...Huh..maybe this planet isn't as bad as i thought' i smiled as i blushed flying more fast.

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