Raven X Dying!FemReader

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Become A Monster

(Teen Titans)

Raven's PoV

I was with my team looking for Slade as he took my girlfriend (Y/n) as a hostage. My body has started to have marks as i kept panicking. We searched everywhere except an old factory. I went there more fast then the others as i looked for (Y/n). When i arrived at the factory there was (Y/n) tied up in a chair as she tried to get out. I went to her as fast as i could but Slade stopped me with a magic bubble that didn't allowed me to use magic.

"Well well well.. look whose here.. i thought you wouldn't come alone." Slade said as he walked to where (Y/n) was. The marks were expanding uncontrollably as my eyes started to glow.
I was losing control..
"(Y/N) ! (Y/N) RESPOND ME !" I yelled as i felt tears fell down my face as i desperately tried to wake her. She just grunted but opened her eyes slowly.
"Ra... Raven.. is..that you ?" she asked as blood was dripping even from her fingers. He tortured her..
I started pounding the bubble desperately.

"(Y/n)! Hold on ! The others are coming !" i screamed at her but she looked at me weakly and smiled
"I..Love you Raven.. whatever happens just know that i love you.." she said softly.

I stopped pounding at the door as the marks got into my head and heart.
"I love you too.." i told her as i lost control over my body.
Slade's PoV

When i looked at my victim in the chair she was tied up and had a bag over her head.
I smirked and went to her with a knife, needles, and a vile with unknown contents that i won't mention. When i got to her she could feel my presence as she started to moved panicking. I took off the bag on her head as she looked at me her eyes widened.
"W-What ! What the hell do you want Slade !" she yelled getting angry. I must admit she's brave.

I got the knife to her thigh smirking and i could bet she felt my smirk.
"I guess i want the little girlfriend of teen Raven.. i want her TO DIE !" I finished as i stabbed her thigh as she yelled in pain.


When i finished torturing her and making her drink the contents of the vile i grabbed the anti magic bubble and waited for the Teen Titans to come. The first one to enter was Raven (Not a surprise there) but she had marks all over her body which means the plan is working. I trapped her in the bubble as she started pounding the bubble talking to (Y/n).
When Raven had her eyes white she looked at me as she destroyed the bubble.
"How dare you... How dare you defy me !" she said as her voice sounded demonic like and her marks glowed blood red.

We started fighting but she won as she used her magic on me. She was about to crush me when the rest of the team came they started to fight Raven to stop her from becoming a murderer. She growled at me one more time as i closed my eyes waiting for the final blow.
(Y/n) PoV

I woke up to the sound of fighting i looked up slowly as i saw Raven fighting Slade. As they fought there was an explosion as one of the sharp objects stab itself on my chest. I grunted not having enough strength to scream. I grabbed the knife as i free my arm and cut all off the ropes. When i got up i walked slowly to were Raven was. The Teen Titans arrived and started fighting against Raven to stop her from murdering Slade.

Starfire punched Raven making her fall in front of me. She growled like a monster as she got up to fight again. I stopped her as i hugged her weakly. She responded turning to face me and stabbing her hand on my stomach as it got through my body. She looked at me as i trying to remember who i was. I gripped her hand stroking with the other hand her purple hair smiling.

"Raven... it's me.." i said softly. She growled as she took out the hand off my stomach and stabbed it again but this time she stabbed it on my chest. She stopped just seconds from penetrating my heart. I looked at her as blood fell down my mouth she looked as if she was struggling not to hurt me.
"Raven.. Don't Become A Monster..." just as i said that my eyes rolled behind my back as i blacked out.
Ravens PoV
That's all i saw as i got control of my body again. I studied what was it that i stabbed, as i recognized who was it... it was (Y/n).
I started to shake in panic as she fell to the floor unconscious. I shook her as she didn't respond. I grabbed her and carried her bridal style as i teleported to an hospital.
5 years later...

I was visiting the hospital once again the doctors that have taken care of (Y/n) for all those years because of her coma were smiling sadly at me. When i entered her room she was there.. like an Angel..like sleeping beauty.
I stood beside her as i kissed her lips and putting the flowers i bought on a vase.
"Hey (Y/n).. how are you.." i started talking a one-sided conversation as she suddenly started to grunt.

My eyes widened as she suddenly opened her (E/c) eyes. She started to grunt as she panicked her heartbeat monitor going fast as she panicked more.
I pressed the doctors button as i looked at her grabbing her cheeks. She looked at me as she calmed down smiling. I smiled back as she tried to talk but couldn't thank to her dry throat. I gave her a glass of water and when she finished she looked at me.
"You didn't become a monster Raven..." she said softly i smiled as i stroked her (H/c) as i kissed her forehead.
"No... i won't become a monster if i have you (Y/n).." i said as we smiled at each other ready to start our life together... but this time we would have each other.

The End

(A/n: Hope you guys like it ! It was a little hard because it's Raven and i almost had a writers block..hope I'll never have one of those... Anyway remember to Vote,Comment, Follow me and REQUEST ! It's very inspiring :} this time i updated it at.. LOL..Meh not bad. Hope you guys liked it and I'll see YOU on the next book or page! )

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