Party at the club house

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I wait till Lyla comes an get's me which did not take long an I open the door an see her. "Dame I see your trying to make Jax jealous or something." Lyla says. "Yea something an the fact that I'm going to take over the pole tonight." I say. "Oh my stripper is coming back yay you gotta give me a lap dance." Lyla says. I laugh an we get into her car an she drives to the club house. "I will shake my ass for you but that's it you know I don't swing that way." I say. She laughs an pulls into the parking lot an parks an we get out to see the party in full swing at only nine. "There your man with the slut." Lyla says. I laugh an loop my arms with Lyla an we walk past them an I hear Tara yell my name so I stop an turn. "Oh my gosh Rayna your back home." Tara says. "Yea I'm back home." I say. "We should get together sometime when I'm not working or with Jax." Tara says. I look at her then Jax an Lyla. "You know Tara me an you was never friends before so why start now your just going to up an leave again or worse ruin Jax again but hey who am I to talk." I say. I turn around an walk away only to be stopped by Gemma. "I don't won't to here it momma Gem she had it coming the moment she stepped foot back into this town." I say. "I'm not mad at you just proud you said something I have been wanting to say for a month now." Gemma says. I laugh an we look over there to see Tara glaring at me an Gemma then she kisses Jax. "My god an people called me a slut over stupid shit like that." I say. Gemma just smiles an hands me a drink an Lyla walks over to me. "What she have to say?" Lyla ask. "Oh just the fact that I said something she been wanting to say for a while." I say. Lyla laughs an we walk over to the pole an see nobody on it so I call juice over. "Juice go play porn star dancing for me." I say. Juice smiles an runs to the music thingy an Lyla takes my heels as I step up onto the stage an as soon as the song really hit I started dancing doing all the tricks with out taking off my clothes an even caught a glimpse of Tara yelling at Jax for watching causing me to smile even more. Once done I put my shoes on an everybody hoops an holars for me an I take a bow an walk over to where Lyla an Opie was sitting. "You never said anything about how you could dance like that." Opie says. "Dude i went to Ireland for mre than just college i found classes there on that shit an took it an learned thats why you got Lyla the porn star an me the stripper we fit great together as friends." I say. Opie just laughs an Lyla jumps into my arms an hugs me then let's go an stares behind me so I turn an see Jax walking up to me. "Can we talk right now?" Jax ask. "Yea sure lead the way." I say. Jax takes my hand an leads me away from the party an onto the roof. "Look what you said earlier today to me then Tara made me reliaze that your right she is just going to run back an I don't need that so Ray I'm sorry can we be friends again I have a place you can stay I can get you a job here or have see if the club don't mind helping you open up a hairstyle shop an you just pay us back an I will need somebody to watch my kid an the house." Jax says. "Fine I will stay an we can still be friends an I will move into your house but I get to decorate it how I want besides yours an Abel's room." I say. "Deal thank you so much I got my Rayna back." Jax says. I laugh as he hugs me an spins me around. "OK Jackson we got that settled now put me down an get me off this roof you know how I feel about heights." I say. Jax just smirks but helps me off an we walk back to the party an Lyla runs up to me. "So you staying now for good?" Lyla ask. "Yes I'm staying here for good." I say. Lyla screams an jumps into my arms an hugs me again. "Ok ok I'm tired so Lyla take me back to my room." I say. We big everybody bye an we leave an I go to the hotel an change an go to sleep.

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