First Day Home

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                  -week later-
"Rayna wake up you an Clarity get to go home today." A voice says. I slowly open my eyes an glare at the person who woke me up and it was Jax. "Sorry sweetie but your free to go stitches are healed up." Jax says. Lyla walks in hands me a bag an I get up an go to the bathroom an change then I walk out an see Jax holding Clarity in his hands with her all ready dressed an in her car seat. "Ready to go darlin?" Jax ask. "Yea let's get the heck out of here." I say. He chuckles an takes my hand as I grab the bags an we walk out of the room an to the nurses station where I sign the release papers for me and Clarity. Soon we are in the vehicle am Jax is driving us home. "Gemma wants you to call her when we get home to talk about the welcome home party for Clarity." Jax says. "Oh gosh you have got to be kidding me." I say. "You know how she is." Jax says. "Do you really think it's a good idea to have a welcome home party after what happened last time." I say. Jax just looks at me then pulls into the drove through an parks an turns off the car. I get out an grabbed Clarity's stuffs an Jax got Clarity an we walk inside only for Abel to try an walk to me an saying momma. I pick Abel up an hug him an an also see Gemma an Clay. "Mommy has missed you baby boy." I say. He laughs an I put him down an Gemma hugs me. "Its good to have you home." Gemma says. "Its good to be home." I say. We all sit down around the living room an I pick Clarity up an hold her. Soon Clay an Jax left an Gemma put Abel down for his nap while I went into the bedroom an fed Clarity. "Hey do you want to give Clarity a welcome home party or not so everybody can meet Ms. Clarity here?" Gemma ask. "They can come tomorrow an Jax can grill an all that but I don't want anybody getting hurt an only close family." I say. "That's fine get the boys to grill an have a big cook out." Gemma says. I just nod my head an Gemma gets a phone call an leaves an I put Clarity down for her nap as well. Soon Jax walks in an hugs me. "Rayna do you see us getting married anytime soon?" Jax ask. "Of course I do Jax you are very good to me an our kids." I says. "Well would you accept this ring and marry me soon?" Jax ask. Jax pulls out a ring an grabs my hand an looks me in my now tear filled eyes as I nod my head yes an he places the ring on my finger an then kisses. "I love you Rayna Brennan." Jax says. "An I love you Jackson Teller." I say. He leans in to kiss me but both Abel an Clarity start crying. "My kids with the perfect timing." Jax says. "I got Clarity you get Abel." I say. He smiles an we stand up an I go into Clarity's nursery an Jax goes to Abel's room. I pick Clarity up an change her diaper an then breast feed her then walk into the hall way to see Jax walking out as well an Abel trying to get to me. "Hang on let's go into the living room." I say to Abel. We go into the living room an I put Clarity into her rocker an sit down next to her an Abel crawls over so I pick him up an start playing with him till I hear the door open an see Gemma come back into the house an pull Jax into the other room. Abel grabs a hold of my shoulder an stands up an I yell for Jax an Gemma an they walk in quickly an see Abel an Abel spots Jax an starts walking over to him causing me to tear up. "My little man is growing up." I say. He reaches Jax an Jax picks him up an we begin to cheer an all that. Gemma looks at me worried but once she sees me looking wipes it away. "Hey I need to go talk to the club I will be back in time for supper ok." Jax says. "Yea that's fine." I say. Jax walks over an kisses me then grabs his vest an leaves me with Gemma an the kids. "You need my help or you got it I need to start work on the paper work at the shop?" Gemma ask. "Oh I have it Gemma don't worry." I say. Gamma kisses the kids cheeks then mine an leaves an I turn on cartoons an Abel zones into the tv an so does Clarity giving me time to relax on the couch. There is a knock on the door breaking me out of my nap an causing Clarity to start crying so I pick her up an go open the door seeing Juice. "Juice if you ever knock on this door again between eight in the morning to right at night you will end up like Chukey." I say. "Sorry Rayna Jax sent me over here to let you know that he won't be home for dinner tonight but he will be home later on." Juice says. I glare at the club house an then look at Juice. "An you tell that sorry motherfucker that he can sleep in the club house tonight since he is going to put the club first an not be here for the first night HIS daughter is home." I say. I slam the door shut an lock it an go around the house locking every entrance an then going to sit down on the couch an watch tv with my kids.
                -Jax's p.o.v-
Juice walks back into the club house after I sent him to tell Rayna the news. "What she say man?" I ask. "She said to tell that sorry motherfucker that he can sleep in club house tonight since he is going to put the club first an not be here for the first night HIS daughter is home." Juice says. "Dammit I knew she would be pissed but not this pissed." I say. "She will get over she is just an old lady." Clay says. "Just a old lady Clay you might see a women as just a piece of pussy but Rayna is more than that." I yell at him. We get out the club house an get on the bikes an head out to the place.
              -Rayna's p.o.v-
Lyla:I can't believe he is doing that shit.
Me:I can't ether I mean family is sops to be first.
Lyla:I know right.
I go to say more but Clarity starts crying an I hang up telling her bye an feed Clarity again an then fix supper feed Abel give the kids a bath clean the house an go to bed my self.

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