Fun Town

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I wake up to screaming coming from the kitchen so I shoot up an run in an see Gemma, Jax, and Tara yelling at each other. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERRE?" I ask. They all turn to me an Gemma was shocked. "See Rayna was here the whole time an new Tara was here." Jax says. "Gemma Jax asked me if I didn't mind Tara coming an staying because of what happened last night with her ex." I say. "Ok then." Gemna says. She storms out an slams the door an I take a deep breath. "Y'all two sit down now." I say. They both sit down not wanting to get on my bad side after all this. "Listen an listen good I don't care if y'all talk because me an Jax are not together even if we was I would not care but I swear to God Tara if you have anything else that could cause Jax and the club to go to jail you better spit it out now because I be dammed if I'm going to watch the one I love go to jail." I say. I walk away leaving them an go to the kitchen an fix me something to eat and Jax walks in with Tara. "Rayna I'm sorry about all of this I didn't know it would of lead up to that." Tara says. "No shut the fuck up you left because this town was to small an then come back because you have fucking trouble an you knew with me gone Jax would handle it well I'm back an he is done being your puppy dog." I say. "I understand an thank you both for helping me." Tara says. I just look at her an watch her leave then Jax comes up to me an hugs me. "I'm sorry Rayna but I promise I'm all yours now." Jax says. I push him away an slap him. "Next fucking time better not happen Jackson Teller I mean it you talk about me an you but you sleep with other girls no more if you want me Jax I'm prepared to step up to be Abel's mom but I be damed if I take the role as your old lady an you sleep with other women." I say. "Ok darllin I understand." Jax says. I go to say something else but his phone rings. "Sorry I have to take this." Jax says. Go but we are not finished here." I say. I walk to the bedroom an change then I go to the bathroom an start putting on a little bit of makeup. "You don't need that your beautiful the way you are." Jax says. "Jax it's just mascara an eyeliner an lipgloss." I say. "Well at least you don't cake it on as bad as the croweaters or sweatbutts do." Jax says. I laugh an finish up an turn to him. "Ok finishing the earlier conversation you want to be with me you will have to prove it meaning no sex for a month and you have to get tested." I say. Jax looks shocked but whiped it away quickly an wrapped his arms around me my waist. "Anything for you darlin as long as I have you as my old lady an the mother of my kids I'm good." Jax says. I smile an kiss his cheek since I'm about his height in heels but I'm really just 5-4 so Yea I'm short. "Want to go out with the club later on today to fun town carnival?" Jax ask. "Yea I have to go to the beauty salon today to finish it up so I can open come Monday." I say. "Ok I will take you an get Half-Sack and Juice to come help you." Jax says. "I can take care of my self honey but that's fine." I say. "I know you can that slap fucking hurt." Jax says. I laugh an we walk outside after I grabbed my purse. Jax hands me the helmet an we go to the shop. Once there I get off an kiss Jax as cheif Hale passes by an stops. "Jax we need to talk." Hale says. "I'm not doing anything wrong cheif Hale just dropping my girl off at her shop then leaving." Jax says. "I don't care about that we need to talk." Hale says. "I'm going to go in Cheif give him time to call Juice and Half-Sack for me I have heavy stuff in there." I say. He nods his head an Jax calls an I go in and start painting then I hear Jax leave an two bikes take his. "Hey pretty lady what ya need help with?" Juice ask. I give them orders an by lunch we was done with the shop.
-fun town time-
"Jax put me down I swear to god I will kick you with these heels." I say. Jax an them laugh an he puts me down an puts his arm around my shoulders. "You can get loud same girl." Tig says. "All right Tig no flirting with my old lady." Jax says. "Not flirting stating a fact I mean she is letting me keep her dog Roxy I'm happy." Tig says. I laugh an we go on the tilta world an Sizzler. We got off the Sizzler an go over to Gemma an Clay. "Jax let's go on the dragon." Tig says. Jax looks at me an I push him in a go way an he leaves an I'm now with Gemma and Clay. "Rayna I never did tell ya I'm glad your back home where you be longed you really have made Jax a better man." Clay says. "Of your trying to suck up because I'm with Jax an he is all ways doing club stuff it won't work because Clay all I ask is as long as he is not dead I'm good." I say. Clay smiles at me an nods his head. "In a seriouse note you did save him." Gemma says. I laugh an a family an there daughter comes up to Clay an Jax comes over gives the girl his last few tickets an goes to her ride an me an Jax go walking around with Tig and Chibs with us. We are walking around when a clown makes fun of the boys an they dunk him then the lady comes running up to me. "Have you seen my daughter?" She ask. "No mam I'm sorry I haven't seen her since Jax gave her the tickets." I say. She thanks me an runs off then I got this sick feeling in my stomach as the boys come back an Gemma and Clay come over. "Rayna are you ok?" Jax ask. " That man that Clay talked to there daughter is missing an I feel like something bad has happened to her." I say. They all look at each other then at me. "Mom will you take Rayna home we are going to see if we can find her." Jax says. Clay agrees an they leave an me an Gemma leave an she takes me home. "I am going to stay here till they get back if that's fine with you." Gemma says. "Yea that's fine I was going to go see Abel though after I freshed up." I say. "I will take ya you don't have a car yet." Gemma says. "Fine with me I was going to take Jax's truck." I say. She laughs an I finish up.
-at hospital-
I walk into Abel's room alone since Gemma went to go see the ex wife of Jax. "Hi sweetheart mommy has missed you." I say. I put germ ex on my hand then pull a chair up an sit next to the chamber and stuck my hand in an rubbed his little hand. "Um I'm not meaning to disturb you but I wanted to let you know that Abel will be taken out of the chamber tomorrow night if all test go well in the morning." Tara says. "Oh thanks an your fine I kinda got over this morning an everything that has happened but you try to seduce my old man an we will have problems." I say. "Not a problem I got a job offer out of state anyways." Tara says. "Tara I'm not saying you have to leave or anything I just don't want you with Jax an we both know you don't want him." I say. "Your right I came so he can handle that ex now I'm gone bye." Tara says. She leaves an Gemma walks in. "What she want?" Gemma ask. "Letting me know that Abel should be getting out of that little cell tomorrow night if all test go good in the morning." I say. "Thats great have you told Jax yet he is in the hospital?" Gemma ask. "Do what?" I ask. I stand up an go out the room an look for Jax once I found him I hugged him. "Why are you here?" I ask. "That girl you said was missing got rapped tonight." Jax says. My eyes go wide an I tear up because I know what that's like sadly. "What room is she in?" I ask. Jax shows me the room an I knock on the door only for the girls mom to open it. "Hi I'm Rayna um I wanted to come see how you was doing an see if you wanted to talk I know what your going through." I say. Her mom snatches my arm an pulls me out of the room. "Your with the sons an I don't want you talking to her." Her mom says. "Mam I am friends with them yes but I'm telling you now if you let me talk to her it will stay between us I know what she is going though it's happened to me." I say. Her mom takes a deep breath an let's me in then she goes an smokes a cigerate an I talk to the girl about what all happened an my side an she felt a little bit better and I left an went back to Abel's room to see Jax an Gemma an once I walk in they turn to me. "What did you find out?" Jax ask. "Jax I only found out that who ever did it is a part of that fun town an they don't want no cops involved." I say. "Alright thanks baby girl I will see you later to night I will have half-sack come an watch you till then." Jax says. "Ok be careful." I say. He kisses my cheek an leaves an I look at Gemma. "He asked you out yet?" Gemma ask. "No an momma Gem don't do anything about it when he is ready he will club stuff has just came up more than usual." I say. She just nods her head an Kip shows up and I give Gemma a hug an leave an get in my car an drive home then go inside an take me a shower an go to bed.

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