Chapter 18... Always

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The darkness disappeared as Sam pulled his hands back. "Ta-dah!" he cheered.

I had to blink a couple of times to get my vision back. It took longer now that I only had the one good eye, but eventually, it all came into focus.

There was little house in front of me. I couldn't see much of it, and not because of my eye; there as a large tree right out front that hid most of it from view. Tree or no tree, I could make out that it was small and grey. At least it had, at one point, been grey. Now it was just raw, weathered wood with flaking patches of grey.

The door had managed to keep more of its paint intact—it was bright blue—but it still looked a little rough. A single thin window sat just off the side from it with empty flower box beneath.

Had anyone else been shown this house, I was sure they would've wrinkled their nose at it. I had to admit it looked a little dreary. It was old and small, and probably needed a lot of work. But it had a lot of potential for someone handy, like Sam. He could make it into something special—especially if he let me help.

"What do you think?" Sam asked, his deep voice rumbling close to my ear as he wrapped his arms around me. Even though his voice was even as always, I could sense the trepidation there.

"It's wonderful," I replied honestly, spinning myself so I was facing him. "I'm so proud of you. You're now Sam Uley, landowner."

He nodded, surveying his small corner of the forest. "Landowner, pack leader... So many responsibilities."

"You'll do fine," I assured him as I reached up and cupped his smiling face in my hands. I pulled him down to me so our lips could meet for a little peck. But then our lips refused to part. Soon he was scooping me up from the earth and holding me close as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Ahem," came a gruff voice from behind us.

Sam quickly placed me back on the ground, as gently as possible, and shielded me with his body as he turned to face the newcomer.

"Sorry to interrupt," Jared said with a big dopey grin spread wide across his face.

He, Embry, and Paul were sauntering down the narrow driveway that led up to the house, with one more lagging behind. As they got closer, I realized it was Jacob Black; I hadn't recognized him without his signature long hair. Now it was all shorn away, only a shadow of what it had once been.

Sam hadn't told me about this latest addition, but I wasn't surprised. I knew it was only a matter of time for a boy like Jacob. Since Sam and I had become a thing, I had gotten a full refresher course in Quileute legends. I knew that the Black line was up there with the Atearas and Clearwaters; he was destined for this life of magic. It was only a matter of time before Quil and Seth joined too.

Jacob didn't look so ready to accept his destiny though. His mouth was curved down in a scowl.

"Nice to see you out of the hospital, Em," Jared said, tearing my attention away from Jacob. "You're looking good."

I smiled politely at the hollow compliment. I knew full well what I looked like, and 'good' was not it. "Thanks. It's nice to be out."

"I bet," Paul cut in before turning to Sam with a leer. "Not even out a day, and you're already on her. Wasting no time, eh Sam?"

Even though Sam was in his human form, I swore I could feel him bristle next to me. "Cut it out," Sam said, his stern voice giving no hint to his annoyance. "Why are you here? I thought you understood that I needed a few hours—"

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