Chapter 15... Mistake

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The threat of rain hung over Neah Bay; the dark wall of cloud pushed towards us, moving with the wind. I had heard on the radio this morning that it was already raining in La Push, and the forecast said it'd start up here by this evening.

It was definitely the kind of day that someone would want to spend curled up somewhere with a hot drink and a book. But, instead, I was outside, aimlessly wandering the few streets that made up my hometown. I had my coat's hood pulled up, to shield myself from the raging wind that propelled the storm clouds.

It was easy to come up with lots of good reasons as to why I'd be smart to head home now: I would avoid the downpour, and get out of the wind. I could make myself a cup of hot chocolate. I could put on my warm, comfy PJs, and watch TV curled up on the couch.

But despite my many reasons to go home, there was one that kept me here, out in the cold. It was only one reason, but even so, it was enough. It was a trump card, overruling all the others.


I didn't want to be around if Sam showed up. I couldn't bear to face him.

My stomach had been in knots since last night—since I had ordered him to go back to Leah. I kept picturing the look on his face as I told him. The shock. The hurt. And then the stiff, awkward nod that told me he would obey. 

Because he had to.

It made me feel sick, ordering someone to do something I knew they couldn't refuse; but, in the end, it had been the right thing. I tried not to think about how Sam had described it to me... that it would be painful for him to pretend. Maybe, after some time, it would grow to be less painful for him. Maybe, eventually, that ache would recede and he and Leah could be happy together again. The way it was supposed to be.

That single, primal voice inside me just scoffed.

I felt a heavy raindrop land on the hood of my coat. Then another, quickly followed by several more. The rain was here. There was no more avoiding it. I had to go home. I turned around and headed back.

When I arrived at the foot of my driveway, I was happy to see that there was no one there, waiting for me. I expected a wave of relief to wash over me but none came. The knot in my stomach tightened. I shook it off and made my way towards the house.

As I opened the door, I found my mother waiting for me. She was sitting in at the kitchen table, in the seat that faced the door.

"There you are," she said, eyeing me closely as I slid out of my coat. "Where have you been?"

The knot tightened some more. Mom seemed angry, but I couldn't think what she might be mad about. I had done my chores and my homework. "I went for a walk, like I told you," I replied. "What's the matter?"

"With who?" she demanded, ignoring my question. "Who did you go for walk with?"

"With no one," I said slowly. An itch of worry began to creep in at the back of my mind. "I was alone. Why?"

My mother stared at me, her brow tight over her piercing eyes. She looked like she didn't believe me in the slightest. "I just wondered if you might have been with him," she said.

The itch turned to a sharp jab. "Him?" I asked, trying to sound innocent, but the lie was clear in my shaky voice. I was a bad liar, and my mother knew it.

"You know exactly who I am talking about," she snapped. "Sam Uley."

Panic sent my heart racing. My eyes started to sting with guilty tears. "I h-haven't..." I mumbled.

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