Chapter 2... Fever

791 19 0

April 2003


The windows of Dad's truck were steamy, the heat inside the cab fighting against the chill of the spring air. Sam and I were tangled up on the seat, his arms wrapped tight around me, my hands in his hair. Our shirts were long lost, tossed aside somewhere on the floor. Our mouths and hands moved in rhythm as if this was our very last night together...

My phone began to ring.

I groaned as I pulled away from Sam. I dug into my backpack and dug out my phone. "Damn!" I said again as I read the name on the screen. Home. It had to be Mom or Dad.

I pulled my arm across my chest before I answered as if they could see me through my crappy little flip phone. "Hello?"

"Leah, where are you?"

Mom. I closed my eyes. "Studying with Sam," I said, trying to keep my voice even and calm.

"Where?" she asked pointedly. "I just called his house and you two weren't there."

"We went for a quick drive to have a break," I said. It was kind of true. We had been studying for the math midterm but by the fourth hour, our brains had started to turn to mush. We had needed a break. We decided on a drive and drove up to a little spot on the coast, where we used to cliff-dive in the summer. But then one thing led to another...

"Uh-huh," Mom said, sounding unconvinced. "Well, I think your break is over. It's getting late, I need you to come home."

"We still have studying to do..."

"I guess you'll have to figure it out on your own for tonight, then," Mom said. "Home. Now."

And she hung up.

I sighed and dropped my phone back into my bag, before bending over to retrieve our shirts. I tossed Sam's back at him and I began to pull mine back on.

"Sorry," I said as my head popped out the neck hole. "My mom wants me home."

"I figured. Too bad, but probably for the best. If we hadn't been interrupted, we would've probably spent all night out here." Sam chuckled.

It wouldn't have been the first time that happened. As I recalled the memories, my face suddenly felt very hot. I bit into my full lip.

He sat up and kissed my bare shoulder before I finished sliding my shirt on. "We'll, uh, continue our studies later, okay?" he said.

I smiled. "Yeah, later." I leaned in to give him another kiss. But then one kiss turned into another, then another...

He moaned against my lips. "Oof, careful there, or we're gonna get distracted again," he said, fitting in words between my kisses.

"Maybe just one quick little distraction," I whispered back. My lips moved to his neck and I crawled onto his lap. Oh. Yes, we were already ready to go...

Sam just moaned in response as I pressed myself to him. His fingers found the hem of my shirt and slid underneath. I sighed as his hands travelled over my skin.

My phone began to ring again. 

"Damn it!" Was my mother psychic or something? I dug out my phone for the second time, but the call wasn't from my parents. It was from Emily.

Why was she calling so late? Without hesitation, I rolled off Sam's lap and answered the call. "Em?" I said, my concern apparent in my voice.

"Hey, Leah," came her voice from the other end. I could hear the sadness in it. "You're not busy, are you?"

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