Chapter 14... Disconnect

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Rain pounded at the windows, and I was sprawled across the old couch in the living room, staring at the ceiling, trying my best to lie perfectly still. I was keeping careful guard against painful thoughts of S—

No, I reminded myself. Don't even think his name. Disconnect. I took a deep breath and pushed back from it. It had taken a week or so to learn how, but I got much better at disconnecting myself; I could barely feel anything now. That was the only way I had a fighting chance, the only way I would heal. I had to stop picking at the wound.

It had been a few days since she told me, but Emily's news had stuck with me. In some sick, sad way, I was thankful for it. Hearing that he had been skulking around Emily's place—telling her loved her!—had made it somewhat easier for me. It helped me see what sort of person he truly was... 

A familiar prickling sprung to my eyes, and I had to stop myself from going further down that road. Focus on the ceiling, I told myself, as I pushed the emotion deep, deep down. 

Focus on it's flat, plain surface. Focus on anything but what's gnawing away inside—

A knock on the door echoed through our small house, wrenching me out of my trance. I lurched up, then froze. I wasn't expecting anyone; Mom and Dad were out of town, and Seth was spending the weekend at a friend's.

To be honest, I didn't want to go and find out... But what if it's important? a voice nagged in my head. What if it's Sam? came another, far more pathetic one. I tried to swat it back, but, sadly, that was the one that got me to move. I got up and staggered to the door, my head swimming because I had gotten up too fast.

There was a pathetic ache as the door came into view and saw that it wasn't S—him—after all. My shoulders slumped as my chest seemed to deflate again. I wanted to turn and run, but she had already seen me.

"Hi, Lee!" my cousin Sophie called through the screen door. There was another girl, small and quiet-looking with pigtails, standing just behind her. "We were in the neighbourhood, and I figured we should stop by and say hi. I haven't seen you in forever, girl!"

"That's nice of you," I said, trying to sound pleased... but my voice was flat and lifeless. I didn't believe her story, that she had been nearby because she didn't live in town, let alone the neighbourhood. She lived in Neah Bay. "But what brings you down to La Push?"

"I'll tell you," she said, raising an eyebrow. "But I'd rather not shout it at you through the screen."

"Oh," I said, trying to sound surprised like I had genuinely forgotten... rather than hoping she'd get the hint and leave. "Sorry." I shuffled to the door and opened it.

She brushed past me, not waiting for the full invitation, probably knowing I wouldn't offer one. Her mousy friend followed and gave a little nod, but no name. I sighed, defeated.

"So, why are you in La Push?" I asked again, following after them as Sophie led the way to the living room.

"I went to a party near Second Beach last night, then I spent the night at Kim's," she explained as she led the way through my house. "This is her cousin, Gina. Gina, Lee. Lee, Gina."

Gina turned and nodded shyly at me again. "Hi, Lee."

"It's actually Leah. Only Sophie calls me Lee," I corrected. It perhaps came out a little too blunt, because poor Gina went red and turned away without another word.

"She's here because I thought I'd be nice and save her from an afternoon of being the third wheel," Sophie continued, as she entered the living room. "She's staying at Kim's house, but you know Kim and her new boyfriend... They are pretty much attached at the face. What's his name, again? You know him, he's friends with Sam." She looked at me expectantly.

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