Let's Work Out

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"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver." As said by Ghandi. Staying healthy is essential to everyone's wellbeing. Being unhealthy can make a person feel unwell, down in the dumps, or even depressed. With a little exercise it could mean a lot of to your health in many ways. This is why Richwood Valley Campus should have a gym for both students and teachers because it will help them stay healthy physically and even mentally by relieving stress; plus, this could cause grades and GPAs to increase because of better time management skills.

Having a gym for students and teachers can help make them healthier, have less health risks, and fight against diseases. Between work, family, and college not everyone has time to search for a gym, sign up for it and work out at it. Doing the all of this may require time that isn't there. If Richwood Valley Campus had a gym it would be easy access for those who want to use it. Without exercise people can gain weight and form chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Only 30 percent of Americans get regular exercise, and 40 percent get almost none ("Benefits of Physical Activity"). The college wants the best for students, so the health of the staff and students are essential to the school. If students aren't able to attend school because they developed some health risks, then the school may lose students. And if teachers are unable to attend, then students may not understand the way the substitute is teaching. Students and teachers will build up their immune system and fight against diseases that would otherwise affect them if the hadn't of started exercising. If a gym was built at Richwood valley Campus, students and teachers can learn to have healthy habits for life.

Not only is exercise essential to becoming physically healthy, it can help people become mentally healthy by releasing stress. If Richwood Valley had a gym a lot more students would be struggling with less stress. According to the Mayo Clinic Staff when exercising the body releases more endorphins. Endorphins are the brains feel good transmitters and most people associate this feeling with a runners high. When exercising people tend to forget what they were stressing out about and this puts them in a good mood. The Mayo Clinic Staff also explains," As you begin to regularly shed your daily tensions through movement and physical activity, you may find that this focus on a single task, and the resulting energy and optimism, can help you remain calm and clear in everything that you do" (Mayo Clinic Staff).What the Mayo Clinic Staff is saying is with exercise, students and even teachers can become less stressed and find what they have to work on is less stressful. Without being stressed a student can get better scores and find that college should be enjoyed and not be stressed about. Some students quit college because of the amount of stress they acquire from school. The teachers can relieve stress and may even be able to teach classes more efficiently. Richwood Valley campus would want their students happy and clear minded, that's why the gym should be built.

Going to the gym can surprisingly increase your GPA because of the stress release, which is another reason why Richwood Valley needs a gym on campus. Purdue University and Michigan State University have researched how students who go to the gym more acquire a higher GPA. Assistant director for student development and assessment at Purdue's Division of Recreational Sports, Tricia Zeleya says, "Student who worked out at Purdue's gym at least once a week were more likely to earn a higher grade point average than students who visited less or not at all" (Patterson Nuebert,). Michigan State University also took a sample of a total of 4,843 students, and they found that the students who had purchased the gym membership had higher cumulative GPAs after 4 consecutive semesters. (Gleason and Pivarnik). This shows that students do better because of the time management skills they acquired by timing their exercises. This would be very beneficial for the school because less students would be failing and more would stay in school. The reason the students would staying in school is because they are physically healthy and have less stress to deal with. When stress levels are lowered students can have more self confidence in their work and try harder in classes. Richwood Valley Campus wants their students to succeed with their education, so this is why the admin should add a gym.

Overall, the benefits of Richwood Valley Campus building a gym can impact not only the students and teachers, but the campus itself. More students and teachers would be healthy and feeling good, causing the campus to retain more students. The campus its self could be seen as a happy campus. Having a gym could also b ring students into Richwood Valley Campus a lot of people think exercising has nothing to do with learning. That's wrong because exercising is part of learning.

Works Cited

Benefits of Physical Activity." Harvard School of Public Health. The President and Fellows Of

Harvard College, 15 Apr. 2013. Web .25 Sept. 2014.

Gleason, Sarina, and Jim Pivarnik. "WANT A HIGHER GPA IN COLLEGE. JOIN A GYM"

Michigan State University Today. Michigan State University, 10 July. 2014. Web. 25 Sept. 2014.

Patterson Nuebert, Amy. "College Students Working Out at Campus Gyms Get Better Grades."

Purdue Today. Purdue University, 15 Apr. 2013. Web. 25 Sept. 2014"

Mayo Clinic Staff. "Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 21 Jul. 2012. Web. 29 Sept. 2014.

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