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Forever making mistakes
But no one sees the pain
The pain that I have made
They way the I pay
Pay attention to all the ways
That I have done so much wrong

Not finding where I belong
Wandering through broken time
Not spending a dime
On all the ways I can make someone hurt
Not knowing how I have
And how much I deserve to feel that hurt
Ten times worse

I'll make a mistake
Then make it again
Because I can't pretend anymore
I'll draw the shades and close my open door
I can't wait for you or anyone else
These ringing bells inside my head
They want me dead and more
I'll drop to the floor
Hoping that all my pain is gone
When it's not and it will never be
Someone needs to hold the key

To the way I create my life
Because I'm done twisting it
Into something so wretched
That not even I can't stand it
staring at the bottom of this pit
Not knowing when it ends
Everyone I know dreads
The day I walk through those doors

People call me names
Some I can't stand
Others will make my head shake
Making my body quake
With fear
That i hold ever so dear
But nothing makes me shed a tear
Because I don't know how

Mistakes will be never ending in my life
Sometimes it makes me hold a knife
Wondering how it can possible get better
And I tell myself, oh dear girl
You're so broken, delicate like china
Laying on a dusty cabinet shelf
Cracking and soon ready to break
Just like fate told you you're fake.

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