Chapter 4- Mr Brown

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The English lesson seemed to fly by. Before I knew it, it was time for my fourth lesson - history. The bell rang loudly above our heads and all of the kids in the classroom were like racing cars racing to the finish line as they came rushing out of the classrooms. I waited for all the mayhem in the hallway to calm down before rushing off to history. Once I exited the class I was dragged  into a huge crowd of people who were all rushing to their next lesson. It was absolutely hectic changing from lesson to lesson. I hated it because I really wasn't a huge fan of crowds. Unfortunately, my last lesson had been in room 29B, so I had to walk all the way to the other side of school to get to history which would take me a good five minutes.

After a several minutes of shoving, elbowing and fighting my way through many packed hallways I finally made it to the classroom. I lined up against the wall along with every other student entering the class waiting for my teacher to invite us. From the corner of my eye I could see her standing by the lockers. I discretely glanced over at her once I was sure she wouldn’t catch me staring.. Her locks of copper hair shined brighter than ever in the sunlight that was streaming in through the windows.

Suddenly the classroom door swung open and a tall, young man appeared, He must have been no more than thirty. He had chestnut hair with warm brown eyes and wore a huge smile in his face.

"Come on everybody, in you come. I've put your books where I want you to sit." Great, another annoying seating plan. I absolutely hated seating plans; I was always seemed to be placed beside a person I don't like or didn't get on with.

The class hurried into the classroom. The room was filled with many desk allowing only two students to sit at one. Each of them had two big blue writing books and several worksheets placed on them. I slumped down on a chair two rows from the front. I watched as the girl I saw earlier by the lockers walked round dodging the tables and chairs till she reached the front of the class and gently fell into the chair directly in front of me, next to a girl named Kelly. I looked at  the girls long shiny red hair which dangled over the back of her chair.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mr Brown. I shall be teaching you History whilst Miss Hill is off on maternity leave." He said, clapping his hands before he leaned on his desk which was facing the class. "Now, before I forget I'm going to have to do the register." He said and picking up a piece of paper resting on his desk. He called out about five names then got to someone called Charlie. I looked around the classroom waiting for someone to reply. Slowly I saw a hand raise up. It was the girl sat directly in front of me that was by the lockers earlier. I repeated her name over and over in my head till it was stuck there. Whilst doing so I noticed that some of the class was staring at me; I hadn't noticed but the teacher was calling my name.

"Here, sir!" I quickly replied. Some of the class let out small laughing sounds as I sat there feeling quite embarrassed. I looked back over at Charlie and noticed she had turned round and was smiling at me. I smiled back before slouching back in my chair.  

About ten minutes later Mr Brown had given us all some work to do and everyone had started working on the given task. Every couple of minutes I looked up to see what  Charlie was doing. On several occasions when I looked up, I noticed her talking to Kelly. I have to admit, I felt a little bit jealous that Kelly was the one talking to her and not me. I watched as they exchanged looks and smiled at each other. I felt so paranoid that there was something between them, I had to keep looking up at them. Trying to eavesdrop on their conversation, I only just heard Kelly ask Charlie over the noise of the other students in the classroom

".... get lunch or something?"

My heart dropped in my stomach for a moment. I knew she was asking her out. I felt like my chances of being with her where just fading away. I waited anxiously for a reply. What was she going to say? But then again why does it matter? I have a boyfriend and these feelings will probably fade away by the end of the day.

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