#50 Innocent Characters

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I'm starting to feel so depressed. Okay, so hang on. Like, not cliché depressed or anything, and not anything major, but I'm literally moping around everywhere and even reading Greek Heroes or eating chocolate ice cream isn't helping. Mostly it's because of school. Eighth grade is such an abrupt change from all the fun we had in seventh; my class is actually starting to take things seriously and not joke around 90% of the time; there's so much homework; I'm already dreading the exams and they're in December; we've changed a lot of teachers and our old ones were so much better, and my friends and I aren't talking nearly as much as we used to. One friend changed schools and another's moving away right after exams. And then there's the fact that in the second term of eighth grade we're going to be split up into two different classes because we have the most members in the entire school and I don't want to be apart from the people I've been with since fourth grade, even if I don't necessarily like all of them. Plus, there's another presentation on Monday. Hercules would probably be proud if you could cheer me up now.

SC fandom.

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