Chapter Two

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It’s better than my books ever described. Thorin starts yelling at Gandalf, but I ignore it. “I’m going on ahead!” I say, and rush over the bridge. I look around in awe. This place is so great. Looking around, I see some elves looking at me with small smiles. I blush a little and wave. One comes down to greet Gandalf, and they talk for a bit. We hear horns and see a bunch of them come back on horses. Bofur pulls me behind him, and all the dwarves huddle around each other. Gandalf talks with the head elf for a bit, and we get invited to eat dinner here. Of course the dwarves agree. Everyone goes to a table, but I’m not hungry. I sneak away and start looking around. This place is beautiful. As I’m looking around, I see the elf that Gandalf was talking to, looking at me. I blush and look down. “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be here,” I say. He chuckles. “Fear not, little one. I am not mad, do you like it here?” He asks me. I smile at him and nod. “Its way better than my books ever described it,” I say, very excited. He smiles at me. “What is your name, little one?” He asks me. “Bilbo Baggins,” I say. “Bilbo, I am Elrond,” Elrond tells me. I smile more. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say, and blush a little. He laughs. “The same to you, little one. Come, your friends are waiting for you,” he says, and leads me back to where everyone is. “They’re not my friends. They don’t really like me,” I say sadly. Elrond looks at me sadly. “I’m sorry to hear that, little one. You can sit with me if you’d like,” he says, smiling a little. I nod. We get there, and Thorin glares at me. I ignore him and sit next to Elrond, away from Thorin. Gandalf smiles at us and eats. Thorin keeps glaring at me. I look at him and glare. “Yes?” I ask him, annoyed. “Why were you with him?!” he snaps at me. “Why do you care?! He’s treated me more kindly then any of you have, and we only just got here!” I yell and get up. Everyone looks at me, shocked, but I ignore them and leave. I walk to a small room that turns out to be the library. I look around in awe. I grab a book I can read and sit down on the floor. As I’m reading, I hear the door open. I look up and see Balin, Fili, Kili, Ori, and Bofur peaking in the doorway. I sigh and wave my hand. They rush in and stop in front of me. “Mister Boggins, we don’t hate you,” Fili says, frowning. “Really? ’Cause that’s not how it feels to me,” I say, trying to hide the tears behind the book. “I know you don’t care how you’re words affect me, but I do.” I say, glaring at them. They look upset, and Ori hugs me. “We are sorry,” they all say at once. I sigh. “Okay, okay, I’m not mad at you anymore.” I say. They all cheer, and I laugh a little. “Why don’t we go back out there? Gandalf and Elrond seemed worried about you,” Balin says, making a face as he says Elrond’s name. I nod and stand up. Fili and Kili put their arms around my shoulders. I smile at them, and we walk back to where everyone is. When we get there, Thorin glares at us. Balin glares back. “Enough, this is childish!” Gandalf yells. I flinch. Kili rubs my back, and Fili looks worried. “Are you okay, Mr. Boggins?” he asks me. I glare a little. “It’s Baggins, but yeah he just scares me a little when he yells,” I say. They nod. “He is very scary,” Ori says, and we all agree. Dwalin walks over to us. I hide behind Kili a little. He looks upset. “I-I’m sorry for how we have treated you, Halfling,” he says, looking at his feet.  I smile and hug him. He looks shocked then smiles. He pats me on my back. “You’re forgiven,” I say. He smiles and blushes a little. Ori walks over to him and smiles. Ori kisses his cheek and blushes. I blush and look away. “I didn’t know they we’re together,” I say whispering to Balin. He smiles and nods. “It happened when you left. Ori yelled at Dwalin and Dwalin confessed trying to get on his good side again” he tells me, and I nod. “Ah,” is all I can say. I look at them again, and notice they’re both blushing now. They do make an odd pairing. Ori looks at us, and smiles. I smile back, and then yawn. “I think we should get you some rest. You’ve had a stressful day,” Elrond says. I jump. When did he get so close? I nod. “Where shall I sleep?” I ask him. Elrond thinks then smiles. “You may sleep in my room,” he says and I blush. “N-no I can’t do that. Where will you sleep?” I ask. He chuckles. “Do not worry little one. We can share the room,” he says, and Thorin comes over glaring. “He will be sleeping with the rest of us,” Thorin says and pulling me behind him. I glare at him, and he glares back. “You are a part of this company! You will be staying with us, and that’s final!” he snaps at me. I flinch and then look at Elrond. “I’m sorry Elrond, but it seems I already have a place to sleep. Thank you for the offer, though.” I tell him. He smiles and nods. He walks off somewhere, and I move away from him. I walk over to Bofur. “Can I sleep by you?” I ask him and he nods. “No, the hobbit will be sleeping next to me,” Thorin says, grabbing my arm. I flinch because his grip is too tight. “Thorin, I believe you are hurting Mister Bilbo,” Dwalin says. Thorin looks at me, then my arm. His grip loosens. “Let’s go,” he says, and drags me to where his bed is made up. I sigh and lay my stuff down next to his, still keeping a good amount of distance between us. I frown, and lay down. “Why are you doing this Thorin?” I ask him, not looking at him. “Doing what Halfling?” he asks. “Acting like you hate me, and then acting like you care,” I say, and finally look at him. He’s frowning looking at the ground. “I don’t know” he says, and turns away from me. I frown, and sigh. I close my eyes, and let sleep take me. As I’m about to fall into dream world, I feel Thorin’s arms wrap around me. This man is so infuriating! I try to ignore his warmth, and I finally fall asleep.

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