Chappy 3

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Chappy 3

Louis POV

" Oh so you guys are famous and I got adopted by you guys?" Madison asked making sure.

" Yup and yup." I said

She is tiny, strong ( I can tell by the way she kicks and punches), and sassy. I like her. In a fatherly way exact.

"Ok good your not gay!" she chirped.

" Nope we are just like brothers." Liam chucked at her statement so did us.


" So Maddie, tell us about yourself." Zayn said breaking the silence.

"Uhh what do you want to know?" she asked.

" Favorite color?" Liam asked.

" Idols?" Harry asked.

" Hobbies?" Zayn asked.

" Favorite food?" Niall asked.

" Do you like carrots?" I asked.

" SLOW DOWN! Ok... Lime green, I have a ton that I can't name in less than an hour, skateboarding, drawing, swimming, surfing, and boxing, Hmmm, and yes." Maddie said answering all the questions.

"You like to box?" Liam asked. A smile on his face as he said box.

" Yup, it just makes me forget about things. I know it's weird and I'm tiny but I love doing it." Maddie said.

" I used to box when I was younger and I loved it." Liam replied.

" We're here!" the taxi man said. We paid him and got out. We were at the airport.

Madison's POV

You know what these boys are easy to get along with. The only thing that I will not tell them is my past. Nobody knows except me, Jill, and my friends. My past is like buried deep in my thought. No one can find it. It comes back up and haunts me, makes me remember..

"Hey! Maddie!" Liam said and waved a hand in my face.

"Huh?" I said snapping back into reality from my thoughts.

" You zoned out for 10 minutes. Are you alright?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah just thinking about stuff." I said.

"Ok good." Zayn replied.

"I have a question... What are we doing at a airport?" I asked.

" We live at London so we are gonna fly back there to our flat." Harry answered.

" Two more questions. Where is your stuff and what's a flat." I asked.

" Three things. Paul has our stuff in our private plane. A flat is a home in London. Last thing.. You ask a lot of questions." Niall explained.

" Two more questions." I said as the others groaned, rolled their eyes, and faceplamed.

" YOU HAVE A PRIVATE PLANE!? And whose Paul?" I asked.

"YES WE DO!" Louis said mocking my tone. " And Paul is our bodyguard."Louis explained once again.

"Thank you that's all the questions for now. I know. I know. But don't be sad there will be more questions thoughout the day." I explained as we started to walk inside the airport.The boys all put on their hoods and sunglasses as I just stared at them with my confused look.

" We don't want to be spotted by the fans and paparazzi." Harry said wrapping his arm around my shoulder protectively. I didn't flinch, but what I did was slap his arm away. I do not like someone touching me. He looked at me shocked and confused.

"Why did you do that?" Harry asked whispering.

" Well I don't flinch, so I do that I don't like someone touching me. (A/N NOT LIKE THAT PEOPLE dirty minded people) It's from my past." I explained quietly.

"Oh." He said speechless.

"Yeah." I said. Entering the hallway to get to the plane.As soon is I entered the plane I was gob-smacked. The plane was huge! Heaven. I stood there with my mouth wide open.

" Close your mouth you catch flies." Louis said lightly pushing my chin up.

"Erm.. Sorry I was astonished." I explained. While following the lads to a seat I took the window seat next to a window. The boys followed me and sat by me. (the seats were facing each other.) It went:

Zayn. Harry. Louis

Niall. Liam. Me.

Harrys POV

I can't believe she slapped my hand. Of course it didn't hurt much, but still. Her past must've been tough. Jill told us that she had the worst past put of anybody in the adoption place. She never told us what happened so we will have to find out. We will find out sooner or later.

" Hey, has something been bothering you?" Louis asked. These lads know me too well. We are like bothers.

" Erm... Yeah kinda but I'll tell you later." I replied. I have to tell the lads, we have to solve this together.

" Ok mate. Just remember we are here for you." he replied. Oh I gotta love these lads. I sat between Louis and Zayn. Liam was right across from me. Niall was sitting by Liam inand Liam was sitting next to Maddie. She was sitting by the window so she kept looking outside.

"So... Maddie have you heard our songs before?" Niall asked trying to start a conversation.

"Not really." Maddie said.

"Oh. You will be hearing them lately." Zayn said. After that it was quiet. Liam looked to his side where Maddie was sitting.

" Guys she's asleep." Liam whispered.

"Awwwwww" we all said at the same time.

" Guys I need to tell you something now that she's asleep." I said.

"Shoot." Louis said.

" We need to find out about her past." I explained.


LOOK, LOOK, LOOKIE!! I UPDATED AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'm in my regular hyper mood.






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