Chapter 5: When Holmes Is Away, The Criminals Will Play

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While the Holmes cousins were busy getting reacquainted, Molly Hooper was sitting on her stool in the basement of St Bart's trying to finish the latest toxicology report, when suddenly she heard a weird noise coming from the floor above her.

Curious, she decided to see what caused the noise she just heard, when suddenly she began to hear whistling, then as the stranger got closer he began to sing.

"Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling.

From glen to glen and down the mountain side,

The summer's gone and all the roses,

Tis you, tis you must go and I must bye."

It took Molly a minute to not only recognize the song that was being sung, but the man who was singing it as well.

"Tom? What are you doing here?"

"Hello Molly," said Tom. "Long time, no see."


Molly stared at her former fiance, transfixed with fear. "What do you want Tom? Why are you here?" She asked again.

Isn't it obvious, my darling Molly?" Tom asked as he came closer. "I've come to win you back from that sodding busybody Holmes."

For one brief moment, Molly wondered if having one's heart broken could cause a person to go off the bend. Surely Tom's feelings hadn't ran that deep for her, had they?

The only way for Molly to truly know the answer to that question was to ask Tom himself, and there was no way she could do that; not with her former fiance's current state of mind being what it is at the moment.

So Molly figured that her best shot of getting out of this mess was to make Tom believe that he had the upper hand. Question was just how long did she have to convince him and would he believe her?

Meanwhile as Molly was contemplating the best way to escape the basement; Tom's mobile started to buzz. "Hello?" He said. "Just a moment." He turned to Molly and asked: "Where are you going?"

"I'm just getting my purse from my locker Tom," said Molly. "You know where it is, it's just across the hall."

Tom nodded and started to relax just for a second. "All right Molls, go get your purse."

She nodded and making sure that he wasn't following her, Molly went to her locker and retrieved her purse and the taser that was concealed within it. While she was busy retrieving her purse from her locker, Tom was still on his mobile speaking to his mysterious employer.

Quietly, Molly unlocked her locker and pulled out the purse. Slowly she unzipped it and breathed an almost inaudible sigh of relief when she saw that the taser was lying in her purse. Quickly she checked the batteries. Discovering that it was nearly charged, this made Molly sigh again, this time with some hope that her ordeal with Tom was nearly over.

When she returned from getting her purse, Molly noticed that her former fiance was becoming even more agitated then before. He kept pacing back and forth, sweeping his right hand through his hair, while holding his mobile with his other hand.

"Look Jim, I really don't want to do this," he pleaded. "I've already had enough trouble with the law when I was a kid. Adding kidnapping would destroy my career and ruin my life!"

Molly didn't need to listen anymore. Quickly she took out the taser and jammed it into her ex-fiance's neck. He started to ask her "Why?" Then fell to the floor, unconscious.

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