Social Media takes its toll.

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On the way home my phone began to ring but I didn't feel like answering it since I was in a strangers car. I turn my head towards the windows to look outside and try to think what I needed to think, meanwhile my phone kept vibrating from time to time. Finally when we were in my town area I was told I had to walk the rest of the way home, when I got out of the truck I couldn't help to check my phone but the battery was so low that it died. Oh well. I put my phone back into my pocket as I take my time walking down the sidewalk alone.  A few minutes later I made my way to the front door of my house, unlocked the door only to quickly rush to my room to charge my phone. I figured it would take a moment for my phone to charge up so I walk over to my desk to bring to write my horror challenge. I am determine to make this something that would make Duncan shake in his chair, I wanted to make this novel good!  

The next thing I knew an hour had past, I force myself to take a break and take a step back for a moment. My phone ranged one more time which made me think I should check out whats going on, sadly whoever just called didn't bother to wait that long for my to answer. The first thing I see is the notifications from Facebook. It was a tagged photo of Lindsay's car crashed into mine before it got towed away with the caption: Got into a car crash with Gwenny, hope she is okay!   Under it I saw some comments from our friends about the crash. 

Trent: Is she okay?!!

Courtney: Oh no! 

Trent: She didn't pick up the phone when I called. Gwen are you alright?

Leshawana: Something doesn't seem right, what happened?

So I had to clear the air out for people, however the next thing I know Trent left a post on my wall which made me click on the notification to see it.

Trent's post: Gwen I hope for the love of god you are okay!

The comments below

Courtney: She still hasn't picked up the phone!

Leshawna: Bridgette and I just called her mom and nana, but they havent even heard from her!

Beth: Is she dead?

Gwen: I am okay, jeezz Linsday should have mention that she hoped I was okay emotionally and not have you guys worried.

Linsday: Oops! #Sorryboutit

Eva: Darn I made a bet with Noah, guess I owe him 5 bucks.

Trent: That's not something you should post publicly, JFC she could have been dead!

Eva: Then I would have gotten 5 bucks.

Trent: Ummmm.... No comment.... Anyways glad to hear you are safe Gwen.

Leshawna: Next time call me when this shit happens so I don't have a heart attack!

Courtney:  Calling you NOW! Pick up!

Within that very minute of reading Courtney's comment I receive a call from her. I take a deep breath before I touching the green accept option on the screen then I place the phone by my ear. "Hello?' I greeted the girl on the phone.

"Why did you tell me!" She quickly snapped which made me worried if she meant Duncan or the crash. "I am piss at you." Oh great.

"Sorry, my phone died when I was heading home and didn't think that Lindsay would post about it." I hoped she didn't mean about the Duncan situation.....

"No, I get Lindsay is an idot," Ouch that's mean..... "I mean the fact you and Trent are back together!" She sounded offended.

"I'm not?" I was really confused how she came up with that result. "Where the hell you got that?"

"Well..." She started to sound defeated,  "I assume you two was back together because he was the first to comment on the crash and the fact he posted on your wall." 

"In that case I am dating everyone who was worried about me." I said sarcastically with a small chuckle but she sigh loudly phone.

"Well, I think you guys should try to get back together." She tried to suggest towards me. "You were sooo cute together!" She added in hope to help.

"I'm not really into the idea of bouncing back into a relationship right now, I still need to work on myself.  Beside it wouldn't be fair for my to come back to Trent when the feeling for each other are faded." I explain for the million times.

"Uhg, still think you should try again." I rolled my eyes because alot of people want me back with him. We only lasted one year while Duncan and I lasted two. 

"I am not gonna stay on the phone if you are only gonna talk about my dating life." I said before there was a moment of silence. "However I have to cut this short, I have to finish up some work."I  did tell the truth but at the same time I just wanted to get off the phone.

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