Together at last!

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A month had past, and I manged to keep the fact I was visiting Duncan a secret. I mean I should feel guilty about seeing him since we are not together, right? As time went on I started to see Duncan a lot less, due to the fact I was working full time and attending college full time as well. I couldn't drop my life to see the guy. However Duncan wrote back and forth to each other as often as we can. 

"Hey Gwen, you are zoning out again?" I snapped out only to see Courtney giving me a concern look. She had no clue that I forgave Duncan, nor were we talking again. I take a drink from my tea before I fix my hair. 

"Oh, I guess I was. Sorry." This was one of my day off, and I choose to hang out with the girls again. It felt good seeing them again. "So you were saying you met someone at your university?" I tried to reflect the attention back to Courtney.

"Girl, this one better have some future." LeShawana was rather critical of our choices in partners, and I couldn't blame her. She was one of our biggest supporters, LeShawana did want us to end up settling down to someone who wasn't best for us. "Because over the years I known you, you dated:" She counted on her fingers as she listed Court's exs. "the wanna be criminal, and the red neck,  dumb Justin and now this-" Before she could finish her sentence Courtney chimed in.

"Um, excuse me but I did not date Justin. He merely had a thing for me, but who can blame him." Court defends herself as Bridgette and I rolled our eyes at her. "His name is Todrick, Tod for short. He's becoming an corporate lawyer, he DOES NOT have any criminal record. "She started to describe Tod to us. 

"There's a catch." LeShawana did not believe this guy was as perfect as Courtney described. 

"Le, maybe she finally found her prince charming." Bridgette tried to jump in the conversation.

"Oh course, he is perfect...." Courtney took a pause which cause the three of us to lean towards her. "Well...." Ah-ha, so there is something she wants to complain about. I mean I love the girl but she was never just happy with anything. "He hadn't made it official yet, and I don't want to be pushy," I know-even I was shocked by her comment! "I really like him, for once I am able to talk to a guy who is equally intelligent as me. I am just worried I am gonna mess thing up again with my temper...."

"Just take it slow, and mention that to your therapists."  I suggested before taking a sip of my tea once again. It was no secret Courtney was taking anger management after  'accident' with one of her teacher about a grade she received on her project.

"So what about you Gwen?" Bridgette asked about what I assume my relationship status. 

"I don't have a therapist, though after all the crap Chris put us through I should see someone." I smiled at my own comment as everyone release some sort of quiet laughter to cover some of the painful memories we had to face.

"No, she means have you found yourself a new boo thang?" LeShawana rephrased the question so I was force to think about my situation. 

Technically I was not with Duncan, I agree to be on speaking terms with him again. Though the things we been saying to one another is not the type of things you say to someone you're just friends with. Do I lie to avoid hurting Courtney and to escape the judgement from my peers? Should I rip the band aid off now and get this over with? Is Duncan worth all of this trouble..... "I guess I am on the page with Court, I been talking to this guy however we claim we are just friends but it clear we both want to move forward to see if we can work out. However I choose not to move forward in the relationship until he is able to move into the area." I tried my best not reveal too much, just enough so my friends cannot be as mad when they connect the dots. 

"Hello ladies," Never had I been so relieve to hear Cody's voice enter a room.  "sorry I was late, traffic was bad."  Cody had moved a few cities away from where we lived. He takes the seat next to me and Courtney. We invited Cody to join us like old times, but I guess his perfect timing made the group to think he was the male I was talking about. Due to the fact he still had some sort of infatuation for me, but it would not last long. He will most likely meet someone in his class that would be a better fit for him. Plus I see him as a little brother at this point so it would be rather be weird. "How are you good."

"I am fine." Courtney was quick to reply to the little guy.

"Good." Bridgette shrug her shoulders.

"Alright." LeShawana didn't break her eye contact with me, it seem as if she knew I was hiding something. Unlike the other two she knew when I was had something up my sleeves. I hope she would not call me out, perhaps I could talk to her in private about this. 

"About time, its good to see you Cody." It was refreshing to seem him again, we talked on the phone often but It wasn't the same.

 As time past on we kept talking about the small things in life, at one point I let go of my guilt. I was able to enjoy this moment with the group.  It wasn't long for someone to suggest we leave the coffee house to grab something to eat. We through away our trash before we headed towards the door, I deiced to leave a tip the barista for having to deal with our loud groups for two hours. At one point LeShawana, Cody and I were started to drift away from the other two, this had to do with the fact LeShawana was walking slower on purpose. "So girl, who the heck were you talking about in there." Cody was rather confused when she integrated me.

"Just a guy." I tried my best to shrug it off.

"Gwen, we talk on the phone every night if you met someone new wouldn't you think you would of told me?" She questioned me. The girl was not dumb.

"Maybe I have, we talk about a lot of things. It would be impossible to remember ever little details?" Poor Cody kept looking between us trying to fill in the blanks. "It is possible that I forgot to tell you, I mean with school and work I have a lot on my plate..." I rubbed my arm as she glared at me for a second. 

"What is this boy's name?" She stop in place as I bit my bottom lips. 

"Look, can we talk about this another time?" I turn my head to see Bridgette and Courtney walking across the street laughing over something.

"Correct me if I am wrong but are you hinting that Gwen is dating Duncan again?" Cody's voice went from confusion to disappointment within a matter of seconds.

"Mmmmmhppp." Leshawana folded her arms together while a disappointing look appears on her face as well.

"Listen. Yes I have been talking to Duncan, but I made it clear that I do not want to start anything until he is willing to earn my trust again. Sure the guy mention us getting together but I am not gonna jump into anything until my guts say that its safe." I look between them as I defend myself. "You two might not like him, but that's because you never gave him a chance to begin with." I exhale air out of my mouth before looking down at the ground. "Look, I will talk to you two more about this later. Just don't let Courtney find out. " 

"Just like in Total Drama World Tour..." Cody shook his head as if he is trying to figure out why I am doing this.  "Going behind one of your best friend's back for what, just some guy who never treated a women right in his life. He made you believe he will change, but once he's out what do you think he's going to do?" Cody begins to raise his voice. "He is gonna end up crushing your heart again. Why can't you open your eyes, there ARE other guys out there who would treat you better." He looks down at the ground and before he open his mouth LeShawana interrupted. 

"Even though I agree with the little guy, it is your life. BUT I am not gonna let you keep this from Courtney. I don't care if you two are 'just talking', but Courtney has the right to know. " She begins walking with Cody by her side. The two leave me behind to reflect on my thoughts once more. I followed behind them, not a word was said along the way to the restaurant. 

Eventually the three of us joined Courtney and Bridgette at the table in the restaurant. "Everything okay?" Bridgette asked as we sat down. There was nothing but silence at our table, I knew I had no choice but to expose myself. I was sitting across from Courtney, who was just as confused. I look up towards Court's brown eyes before I open my mouth.

"I have something to tell you guys, but I don't know how you will react, so please hear me out first." I couldn't help to inhale before I was about to confess my action. "I have been-

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