Chapter 14

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October 2, 2012 (Day 22)

Danny laid me on the bed. I couldn't stop smiling. This was it, it was finally going to happen. He laid on top of me and kissed me.

First on my forehead, then my nose and lastly my lips. I smiled, then he kissed my neck and that was it. I wanted him I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted him inside of me.

He ran his fingers through my hair and he smiled at me. I kissed him and he kissed my breast."Your nose is so pointy" I giggled. He smiled and rubbed his nose against mines.

He reached for my shirt and started to unbutton it. I waited for him to finish taking it off. I was in my bra I sat up and slowly took it off. He stopped my hand.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," he said. I kissed him "Don't you?" I asked. "Trust me I do! But, I can wait until your ready" he assured.

I looked into his eyes. "I'm ready" I smiled. He smiled "Ok he said taking off his shirt. I bit my lip. He took off my bra and he removed my bottoms.

Danny took off his pants. My eyes widen I never saw a naked guy before. I can't believe that was going to be inside of me. It was so long and poking out.

Danny stood up and grabbed a condom. I opened my eyes. "That's how it looks" I blurted out. He laughed "What did you expect ?" he asked. "Hmm, I don't know" I admitted. He just smirked and put it on.

Danny :

Once I was inside her Tina groaned and bit down her bottom lip. I slowly kissed her. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. Tina was so small and delicate I didn't want to hurt her and I definitely didn't want to make her first time painful.

I slowly moved into her but she winced. I stopped, "what's wrong?" she asked me. I just couldn't do that to her. I wanted her first time to be perfect and it shouldn't be like this.

"I'm going to try something, If you don't like it I'll stop" I assured her.

She looked at me worried, "umm okay?" She finally said.

I leaned my head into her and licking and rubbing her cùnt with my tongue. Tina's faced changed and she shut her eyes.

Her breathing changed and a moan like sound escaped her mouth and I stopped.

She opened her eyes "Why did you stop?" She asked. "Just making sure your okay" I assure her. She nodded her head "yeah yeah I'm fine now don't stop" she said grabbing my head down to continue.

I did and she leaned her head back against the bed. Her breathing became faster and her grip on my hair became tighter.

I stop and crawled back I top of her. "This should make it a little easier now," I told her. When I was inside her she moaned again.

I moved slowly into her and she dug her nails into my shoulder and kissed me.

She started moving against me. Our bodies were moving in sync.

"God" Tina moaned stabbing her nails into my back. "Please... Please don't stop" she begged me.

I didn't I wanted this to be good for her cause it sure as hell felt good to me.

Soon we both released and tried to catch our breath. Tina leaned up to kiss me.

I laid down next to her and we both fall asleep wrapped around each other.


October 3, 2012 (Day 23)

I woke up in Danny's bed. I was laying on his chest. I kissed him and got up. Man, I needed to take a shower. I grabbed a towel from inside Danny's dresser.

I wrapped it around me and walked across the hallway to the bathroom. I turned on the water and got into the shower. I tied up my hair and washed up.

What the hell was I thinking? Not that I regret any of it. Because I really don't. It's just Danny has a girlfriend! When he wakes up he's probably going to want to talk about it.

I don't want to be rejected right after I gave him my damn virginity.

I got out and wrapped the towel around myself and walked back to Danny's room. Now I just needed something to wear I went through Danny's draw and put on his pair of basketball shorts and a black shirt that read "My Chemical Romance."

I didn't even know what that meant but I just put it on. My phone started ringing I hurry and answered it before Danny woke up. "Hello?" "Where the hell are you" My father yelled.

Shit, I shoved my palm into my face.

"We called twenty times and left you about eight voicemails. Shit! "Oh, I spent the night at Amy's sorry I fell asleep before calling," I said.

"Get your ass home, I and your mom were worried sick we spent the night at the police station" my father yelled.

"I said I was sorry" I pointed out.

"Your ass better be home before me and your mom get there" he yelled and then hung up.

"You okay?" Danny asked. I put my phone in my pockets. Great so much for trying to leave before he woke up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you," I said. "It's cool and hot outfit" he teased. I looked down and remembered I was wearing his clothes.

I smiled. "Who was on the phone?" he asked. I sighed "My father he wants me to bring my ass home"I'll walk you," Danny said putting on his pants. "Its okay It's literary across the street," I said. "It's okay," he said grabbing my hand.

As we walked to my house something hit me. What was the relationship between me and Danny were we together now? Or was last night just a one-night thing? Did it mean anything to Danny or was it just sex? Logan said Danny had feelings for me but was it just the drugs talking?

We stood in front of my house. "Thanks," I said. "No problem see you later," he said. "Danny Wait! I need to ask you something" I yelled.

He walked back to me "Yeah?" "Umm. I was wondering." "Yeah," he said. "What's a My Chemical Romance," I said.

He smiled. Damn, I chicken out. "It's a rock band my favorite rock band actually"Oh, I never heard of them," I said.

He shook his head "Then you've never lived" he laughed. "I'll give them a try one day," I said opening my house door. "You won't regret it," he said walking away.

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