Chapter 11

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    Telling my parents didn't go so great. Well I only told my mom, and she gave the information to my dad. We had another huge argument and thank god he didn't hit me again. That day my dad left to a bar and left the three of us got a few days.

My mom offered to buy me a plane ticket, just because she said it would be a good idea if I took some time away from here.

When I landed I seen my grandpa, and I could never be so happy. He wants me to be here with him. I will live life just like I did in New York, and I will get a job, play sports- wait! I can't play sports. That sucks. It's like this baby will tie me down.

When and if I start school down here I will be considered the new pregnant girl.

"Hey grandpa. How are you?" I walked to him after I got my suitcase. He smiled, "I'm fine. How about you and that baby?" He asked so happy.

"I'm great. According to the city doctors they say I'm almost four weeks along." I say with so much enthusiasm.

"I can't believe my granddaughter is growing up so fast. Here she is about to be be mom." He told me kissing my forehead.

We headed home and I was happy to be back in the room.

              *2 hours later*

I was watching tv in the Living room, laid out on the couch with a blanket, as my grandpa was outside doing his usual farm work. It was around three in the afternoon as I started to get hungry.

When I walked into the kitchen I found some noodles in the fridge. As I heated it up in the microwave, I headed back into the the Living room picking my phone up to browse Instagram.

I heard a soft, "Ow." And thinking it was grandpa. He may have fallen. When I ran into kitchen I seen Nathan on the ground coming from the back door. My plans was to avoid him for a while until I made up a good reason for why I was staying down here in Texas.

While I tried to sneak out the kitchen before He looked up, it kind of didn't go so well.


"Nathan." I turned around quick.

"Wow! Were you trying to supirse me or something, because you didn't text me that you were coming. What are you doing down here?" He got straight to the question. I turned red and began to hyperventilate. The world began to spin and I was off my the earth. What's going on? I hope this doesn't happen to me if I try to lie and I'm pregnant.

"Kaylee?" Nathan's southern accent caused me to jump. But I'm glad he called my name, because he made me settle down. For now. I couldn't hold it anymore.

"I'm pregnant and your the father. Look, I love this baby and I love you, I'm so sorry. We made a horrible mistake Nathan." I said in all one breath. I was pretty scared.

He looked at me in awe, "What." is all he said. It sounded more of a statement then a question.

"Surprise." I have him a smile. At that moment he caught up to reality. "Wait... You're pregnant?" He asked rubbing his head. I nodded slowly. As he took a deep breath he plopped down on on the kitchen chair and took his gloves off.

"Look, Nathan I'm sorry. We made a mistake and if I could take that night back I would. But, this baby, I wouldn't want to trade for anything." I sat down in front of him in another kitchen chair.

"No, Kaylee. Yes we did have sex, and yes it was a mistake, but I just don't get how you got pregnant and we used a condom." He asked, then I explained to how I could have gotten pregnant. He was in shock the whole time. This is going to be a huge deal for the both of us.

"How far along... Are you?" He's asked looking at my belly for a while. "About a month." I awnsered with a shaky breath as I started to cry.

"Baby, listen to me, Its going to be okay. We are going to work this all out okay."  He walked over to me and pulled me in his arms. I sniffed and nodded.

"I just want to know if your going to stay with me and this baby?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm not going anywhere Kaylen. I can't do that. I promise." He kissed my forehead.

"Some promises are meant to be broken. And I don't wont you to leave me by myself." I sobbed in his chest.

At that moment he comfort me and made me his. And he is mine. He and this baby are the most important to me right now. This is a huge responsibility. Hope it all works out.

              *4 weeks later*

    Time has been going by so fast now. I feel heavier, can't fit my clothes like I did when I was little. I'm two months along, and I feel really bloated. Its not fun being pregnant. I'm still throwing up here and there. Only in the morning thank god.

It is a Sunday night and I'm required to attend Mables High school tomorrow. (Fake school name). I'm really excited, but I'm also scared. I'll only be in school for a few months so I will have to leave to go into maternity clothes. Can't go to school.

After dinner I ran upstairs and showered, brushed my teeth, and pulled out my phone to call Nathan.

Nathan- "Hey baby. I've been waiting for you to call. What's up?"

Me- "Oh, not much. Me and Grandpa went out for ihop this morning, then went into town to do some last minute shopping."

Nathan- "Dang! I wish I still went to school. I miss it."

Me- "You just graduated, like five months ago. And you miss school?" I laughed.

We spoke for a few hours then grandpa entered my room.

"Hey honey." He sat on the end of my bed. "Hey old man." I laughed.

"I just wanted to come up and tell you goodnight." He kissed my forehead. He seemed sad.

"Alright, night grandpa. You okay?" I caught him before he left.

"Oh yeah. I'm great honey. Just really tired." He had his hand on his chest. Something was up, but I didn't say anything.

"Okay. Take care of yourself now." I told him. And with that I feel asleep.

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