A day after the death

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Jessie's pov:
All four boys went to rehearsal. We wanted to surprise them And see them but first we are going to make a delicious dinner meal before we leave. I don't know how to cook so I left Sally and Tessa for that part while I made the table and cut up the vegetables for the salad. We all were talking about our sexy sex life for the first time it's been a while of just us together we'll just us three now after the incident, Tessa told us everything from the first night. She said how he licked her turd. I shout "EW!!!" That's disgusting but than again it's Paul McCartney we'd all let him do whatever to us. I tell them about johns peepee and how small it is we all were laughing and telling stories about our alone time with the men. Hours past finally done with the meatloaf. Sally weaved it with beacon it looks so good omg. We all started getting ready to go to their rehearsal. I helped pluck Sally's eyebrows damn they are huge. But she won't let me put makeup on her always stubborn. We get into a texi to go. Once we got out and walked into the place I notice john and george weren't here. I announce "hey guys where's john" after we all greeted Paul goes "well we did t expect you were coming" hm that sounds fishy I walk around In the small building for my sexy man. I look over and just see Paul and Tessa suck eachothers faces off. I walk to the single room bathroom and hear moaning and giggling. I panic I run out the building hoping john was out there I teared up as I did so. I shout "JOHN JOHN" in a really panic voice I was so nervous if he was the one in the bathroom I run back inside and start bagging on the door Sally followed and stopped me "Jessie's what's the matter man" I take a deep breathe "I can't find john-I think he's in there-" she said "well ok I guess we have to wait" we backed up and leaned against the opposite wall from the bathroom just starring quietly. A few moments later the door opens a girl runs out. We just looked at eachother and back at the door. Sally told me to stay here she walked up to the door.
Sally's pov:
The door closed behind the women she looked like some hooker the way she was dressed I open up the door and the light switch was off. I for some reason didn't turn on the light I just walked completly in so the door can close behind me I'm standing in pitch black hoping its george to be honest that's why I followed jessie and that's why I'm in a dark bathroom just waiting for him to come up to me I wouldn't mind at all if it was john too but I have a good chance it's george. "George? You in here it's Sally". I heard something move ok it's definitely him. I heard heavy breathing coming up to me closer and closer from the back but I stood still again I don't know why I'm doing any of this. I felt his back come up against me now I'm breathing heavy. Seconds later I felt his bulge against my bottom his head was right next to mine he leaned in and kissed my neck. He then bit into it with his vangs. He stopped I felt him turn around and walk away he turned the light on and looked at me and He walked out. I melted john all of a sudden flings the door open holding jessie in his arms a dropped her on the sink they didn't even wait for me to leave he literally ripped her dress off and fucked her. I saw everything i wasn't even there long at all only a couple of seconds and bam she's naked and he's on her like how does that happen that fast oh my god. Ringos sitting on the couch waiting for me with his pants off. These little horn dogs omg but I don't care it's the Beatles. He threw me down on the couch and pulled my underwear off and fucked me. I close my eyes and moan as he's on top of me I turn my head to the side and open them and realize we were out in the open really but I didn't care, george was sitting 80 feet away drinking coffee just starring at me as ringo humps me. I look back at him ringo notices "what's wrong?" I said nothing I just closed my eyes and let him do his magic. After a half hour john and jessie walk out and sit next to us Paul and Tessa who knows where they were follow, george goes "well I'm hungry anyone else?" I jump up "we cooked a meal for you guys back at the room" george give me a look "oh great! Well want are we waiting for?" We all get into the limo and go back to the room. We all sat at the table and listened to music the whole night george was starring at me I couldn't help it but look back. We all went to "bed" well really we just went in our rooms and all fucked our brains out for hours. When ringo was done with his big yummy dick he turned over and fell asleep I got up out of bed to pour myself a glass of water I hear a bedroom door open. They turn on the light it's george. "Funny seeing you here" I laughed "well I've been here for days now it's not so strange to find me in your kitchen" I was right in front of the fridge he came really close to me looking into my eyes I moved back and leaned against the fridge he took his hand out and grabbed the handle for the fridge still looking at me I almost shit myself. I just starred he spoke up "well aren't you going to move?" I backed up as fast as I could "Oh yea sorry ha" he didn't answer just grabbed some water and went back to bed. He left his door open.
Tessa's pov:
Paul got off me for the fifth time the night holy shit he's a machine. I get up to get water but he grabbed my arm and jumped on me and well went for the sixth time. It's about 3 in the morning. 10 minutes later he stops flopping around and shit and fell asleep on my chest. I moved him over and went into the bathroom after I Went into the kitchen to get water. The light was already on I pour myself a glass and shut the light off and go Into the living room to sit on the couch. I hear a door open and see two figures walk out and leave the front door. What the heck? Well whatever. I got up poured my water in my cup and went to sleep.
Sally's pov:
"So where are we going?" We were out in the hallway going toward the elevator. George clicks the button like 10 times even though that doesn't do anything to make it faster. We were just quiet he didn't answer me. Once the door opened we walked in. I lean against the wall and watch the doors close as george clicks the lobby button. He didn't even look at me, it was getting awkward. We walked out of the lobby and went for a 10 minute walk till we got to this park. He had a flashlight to show the way. No one else was there well that we known of. We went on this trail in the woods it was cold. He stopped took his jacket off and wrapped it around me I did t even ask or look at him he just did it. We continued walking five minutes later he tells me we are here. There was a ladder "come on go up I'll be right behind you" I went up, it was a tree house a cute little one. Once he got up he lied down on blankets that were already set up on the planks "well come here" I did I lied next to him he said look up. He shut the light off and there it was a sky full of starrs. They were so bright and the moon. We just watched the starrs not even talking an hour later he says "you know what really happend yesterday?" I looked over at him "what?" He continued looking up at the sky "I pushed her." Omg he killed Emily. "Well why" he grabbed my hand "she bothered me- I'm only telling you this because I trust you" I trusted him "I won't tell anybody" he sat up "Thankyou" he kissed my cheek and he leaned the back of his head on my chest. I finally got it he just viewed me as a good friend not some groupie to fuck but someone to care about he didnt want anything more out of me than just sitting down watching the starrs with him and opening out.I was still looking up rubbing my heads through his hair "goodnight george" "goodnight Sally". I fell asleep I walk up on Tessa's bedroom floor.

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