We Are Family

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Months had passed since my encounter with my mom's ghost and my subsequent attempt to run away. Sam and Dean had been on several cases lately, leaving me to fend for myself most days. Although I spent a majority of those days hanging out in the backseat of the car, there were some days where I asked to stay behind at the hotel instead. In those instances, Sam would let Cas know I was staying behind, just in case I needed saving (or a friend to talk to). On one specific occasion, I just wanted to take a walk. I was getting a little antsy from being cooped up inside, so I called Cas on his cell. "Hello?" Cas answered. "Castiel, it's Sammi," I said. "You aren't busy trying to save Heaven or something are you?" "Is that supposed to be a joke?" Cas sounded confused. "No," I said seriously. "I just wanted to make sure I wasn't bothering you at a bad time." "Oh," Cas said. "I'm not busy." "Would you mind meeting me at the hotel?" I asked. "I need to get out for a while, take a walk, you know?" "I suppose that would be alright," Cas replied. "I'll be there shortly." I had literally just hit the "end" button when Cas appeared in front of my eyes. "You work fast," I told him. "Angels usually do," Cas said seriously. "Nevermind," I said. "Thanks for coming." Cas and I left the hotel room and walked side by side down the street. I was looking at all of the different shops, seeing if anything caught my eye. I'm not a big fan of jewelry, but I noticed a small shop across the street that sold all types of jewelry, from old-fashioned to the latest styles. I signaled to Cas that I wanted to head over in that direction, so we watched for any traffic and then safely made our way across. While inside the store, I saw so many items that I would actually love to own (for someone who doesn't really care for jewelry, that's a huge deal), but one specific thing caught my eye. I walked over and began looking for a price tag, but did not see one. I turned to the woman working the counter and said, "Excuse me, but how much for this?" She took one look at the item I was holding and said, "I'll let you have it for $20." I smiled, reached into my pocket for some cash, and handed it to the woman. She smiled back and asked, "Would you like a bag?" "No, thank you," I said, as I placed it carefully in my inside coat pocket. I made my way back outside, where Cas was patiently waiting for me. "Where would you like to go now?" he asked. "We can head back to the hotel now," I told him. "We've been out for almost two hours. I just needed to get out for a little while, that's all." We turned to head in the direction of the hotel, and I came face to barrel with a gun. The young man holding it demanded any cash or goodies I had on me. Before I could even blink, Cas raised his hand and the gun went flying out of the guy's hands. Cas started to raise his hand again, but the young man got down on his knees and begged, "Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry!" Apparently none of us had noticed that there was a cop sitting in his cruiser across the street. He came running over and asked us if there was a problem. "This guy just tried to rob me at gunpoint," I said. "But my friend here came to my rescue." "And where is this so called gun now?" the cop asked, obviously not believing my story. I pointed to where the gun had landed, about fifty feet away. "If my friend hadn't knocked it out of this guy's hands, who knows what he might have done, officer," I said. Seeing and hearing all he needed, the cop made the perp place his hands behind his back, cuffed him, tipped his hat to me and Cas, and threw him in the back of his cruiser. "Are you alright?" Cas asked me. "Never better," I smiled. "That was awesome, Cas. Thank you." "You're welcome," he said as we continued walking back to the hotel. After Cas dropped me back off and left, I took my purchase out of my pocket and admired it. I hadn't bought it for myself, but for Sam. I wasn't sure he would ever wear it, but I didn't care. It's the thought that counts, right? The boys arrived home about an hour after I got back. Dean headed straight for the fridge and Sam came over and gave me a hug and kiss. "How was your day, sweetheart?" he asked me. "Eventful," I told him. "Cas came and took me for a walk. I almost got mugged at gunpoint, but Cas saved the day. Oh, and I got you a little something." I walked over to the night stand and grabbed up the necklace I had purchased that day. I brought it over to Sam, hoping I didn't have to explain the significance of my find. "Oh wow," he said. "Sammi, this is...perfect." "I don't even care if you don't wear it," I said. "I just could not resist buying it." He placed it around his neck and said, "I will wear it with love and pride. Thank you baby." He hugged me tight, and that's when Dean got in on the conversation. "So fill me in here, you two. What is so special about this necklace?" "Aside from the fact that it looks like real gold?" I teased. "The charm is entirely composed of emerald, garnet, and diamond." "Ok," Dean said, looking more confused than ever. Sam laughed and said, "Emerald is my birthstone, garnet is yours, and diamond is Sammi's." I smiled and added, "Get it now?" "Wow," Dean said. "That is...well, clever. And awesome." I didn't even care that my adventure that day included me almost being mugged (and at gunpoint, no less). My day had been made when both boys realized I had finally, after all this time, taken my rightful place as part of their family...well, at least in ONE way.

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