The Meeting/Banishment

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That night, it was storming so badly, that none of the Pegasi could control it so they all had to wait until the storm stopped on it's own. It was hailing, windy, lightning about every 10 seconds, and a really small chance of a tornado. Robin snuck out of his home/channel while Aqua Heart and Pokemaster were asleep to meet the Unicorn and Earth Pony he met earlier with the necklace hidden in his mane so lightning wouldn't be attracted to it. Why did the Unicorn want me to meet them at the Mirror Pool, it's just odd. Maybe I'm just over thinking this a little. I mean, it's not like she'd do something bad to me. Robin thought as he was walking in the direction of the Mirror Pool. After Robin got to the Mirror Pool, he waited a little while for them. About 10 minutes later, the Unicorn and the Earth Pony Robin met earlier finally came. "So, just to confirm this, you do know what that necklace really is, right?" Robin asked. Just the Unicorn was about to answer, an Earth Pony Stallion with a light tan tinted fur, green eyes, glasses, brown and a greenish mane and tail, and an open scroll for a Cutie Mark was falling down the path to the Mirror Pool then after falling, he got back up. The pony's name was Voice of Reason, a close friend of Robin. "Don't think I don't know who you two really are, Lethal Aurora and Horror Score!" Voice exclaimed while pointing at the Unicorn and Earth Pony with an angry look on his face. "Is he lying, or is be really telling the truth?!" Robin asked with a slightly raised voice. Evil like chuckling "Why yes he is telling the truth, Robin." Lethal said as she used a spell that could let a high level Unicorn/Alicorn in magic could use to change how you looked on herself and Horror Score to show their true selves. "Why are you here, Lethal and why did you try to trick me?" Robin asked Lethal. "And your supposed to be one of the smart ones, you try to figure it out because I'm not telling." Lethal said with a smirk on her face as Voice walked over to Robin. "Now, it is time for a little thing I've been planning." Lethal said as lightning struck outside and as Lethal's horn started glowing with a dark purple aura. Robin and Voice immediately covered their faces with their front legs, and then, they fell. They were falling, they couldn't remove their front legs from their faces, and they couldn't shout, they were only falling. They thought Lethal casted some sort of spell that made a bottomless pit, and they were now falling to their doom...
They wanted to open their eyes, scream, move, but they couldn't, they were falling to the void. After a few minutes, they began to feel a tingling sensation all throughout their bodies, which turned into sharp pains, and then they both blacked out and went unconscious as they kept falling as the sharp pains continued throughout themselves.
"Lethal, where exactly did you send them?" Horror Score asked. "To a world where magic doesn't even exist to most 'people'." Lethal replied with a smirk. "It's all part of the plan, Score. You'll see. And you shall understand, because remember: I did create you, Score." To be continued...

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