17's twitter - SEVENTEEN

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[SEVENTEEN] 위험하니까 안쪽으로 걸으면서 조심히 잘 가요. 하루라도 안보면 애가타니까 내일 꼭 봐요! #만세 #From_쿱정슈준호원우민도8승버디

[SEVENTEEN] 'Stay on the inside and walk because it's dangerous'(lyrics from Mansae). Even if we don't see see you for one day 'because we're anxious'(more lyrics from Mansae), we promise to see you tomorrow! #Mansae #FromCoupJeongSyuJunHoWonWooMinDo8SeungVerDi

You know you have slipped into the diamond life really hard when you can recognise whose hand belongs to who.

I'm still trying. I only can find Coups and Jun and Jihoon and Seokmin's hand. The rest... I'll watch their stage again and find out :)))))))

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