Chapter Four: Coming out of the... Pantry?!

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Will's P.O.V.

It's been a few says since the 'Will-you-idiot-who-almost-kissed-Nico' incident... And, things were getting pretty awkward. I had made the mistake of telling my blabber-mouth half sister, Angie, about my little crush... Of course, I didn't make the connection that she's best friends with Katie Gardener, who's been dating Travis Stoll for a while, now.

And, shit. Angie told Katie, who told Travis, who told almost the entire camp... And, now everyone won't stop giving me word sideways glances... Weather they're 'Awe' glances from the Aphrodite's, or mischievous glances from the Hermes' kids... Or 'hurt-Nico-and-I'll-use-your-own-fingernails-to-sever-off-your-head' glances from the seven.

Somehow, all of the seven, while threatening me, still seemed to be rooting for me at the same time... Though it was probably just my imagination, as I highly doubt Percy and Jason, being the protective big-brothers they are to Nico, would want him going out with anyone... Too bad...

I neared the dining pavilion, my siblings trailing behind me. I took in a deep breath through the nose, the sent of my lunch wafting in the air. I haven't even noticed how hungry I was until my stomach growled at me.

Everybody got their food, and, since or cabin was late, we had to go last. Nonetheless, I got my food, made my sacrifice, and was happily on my way to the Apollo table when Angie abruptly stopped, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, partially worried for her safety, but more for my own. She looked behind me, tucking a strand of light-brown hair behind her ear, revealing the grey-blue eye that was once hidden.

"Oh. I had a talk with all our siblings while you were staring off into space." She giggled, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her. "We don't want you to sit with us today." She finished, completely serious.

"Wha... What?! I'm your head counselor! You can't kick me out...!", What is she even doing?!... I thought they liked me...

"We're not 'kicking you out,'" She mimicked me, making air quotations with her fingers. "Simply suggesting you sit with someone... Else." Said the freckled girl, with a large groom plastered on her face. She's quite odd, really. She looks like she should be a daughter of Hermes, and is evil enough to be one. She's the only one of us who's brunette, and she's rather pale compared to the rest of us.

I looked into her eyes, they're dark purple next to the puple, going to a dark royal blue. They slowly fade to sky blue, after that. All the way around the edge of her iris, she has a thin ring of grey coloring.

I'm snapped out of thought when she rolls the eyes I was previously examining. The thirteen year old girl caught me off-gaurd, and pushed me backwards, sending me flying into....

Oh gods...


"Mission accomplished!" She squealed. "Well... Sort of." She left with a lopsided grin, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like 'phase one complete.'

I sat myself up, apologizing to a very flustered son of Hades. He composed himself and glared daggers at me. Turns out I had accidentally spilled my food all over us, and almost the whole camp was looking. And Nico hates attention. He scooted away from me, refusing to talk. I probably scared him away at the party...

"Sorry, again... I'll go get you some napkins or something..." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"I can help." He mumbled, hardly even audible. I smiled and helped him off of the bench. He finally talked to me! I walked to the pantry, where we kept the camps' cleaning supplies and such. It was pretty small, and had no light. And it seemed like every time you need something, it always moves. I stepped inside, peering on the high shelves. Nico squeezed in as well, looking on some of the lower shelves.

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