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A.N: Cute picture on media! (I didn't draw it, as I am not talented, but I do not know the artist, so I cannot give credit...)

Alsooo... Yay! I'm finally updating!! After receiving many beautifully written death threats, I decided to go with two weeks.... Happy thanksgiving! Now you can give thanks for an update!~

{Btw, this chapter may have some mature language... Cause... Angry Nico.}

Nico's P.O.V ( Because Will's *cough* dead *cough*)

"WILL!" I shrieked out in pain and sorrow as I clung to his body. "No... No, no, no, no, no....!" I pressed forehead to his, his once warm skin now cool to the touch. "No..." A tear slipped down my cheek, followed by another, and another, and before I knew it, I was crying.

"Oops." I looked up at the girl... She had done this... She killed Will... "Did I just shoot the wrong person?"

I stared at her in disbelief. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND?!"

"Well... Yeah." That's when I noticed it; her eyes were a light blue, almost white... She really was blind. "That's why you're here, actually." She smiled at me. She fucking smiled. She just murdered the only person I had left, and she was smiling.

"I am going to kill you." I stated. I then thought for a moment about what I could do to make things right. "And after that... I'll trade my soul. A life for a life..."

I looked sadly down at Will... He deserves to live, not me. Heck, I should've died a lifetime ago. I'm an unhealthy age, now. Though... Not really... But still.

"You don't have to do that, silly. He's not quite dead yet." She must be clinically insane...

"I guess you can't see this, but there's a bullet through his fucking chest..." More tears streamed down my face. "I'm pretty sure he's dead..."

"Well, yeah, but his soul hasn't passed through the underworld yet."

Wait... She's right. I sensed his death, but... There was something missing...

"What do you mean...?" I questioned, slightly afraid of the answer I might get.

"My gun, it's special! I don't know how or why, but it collects the souls of its victims, preventing them from going to hel..." She paused a minute. "The best part, though... Is that I can put that soul back in the body, if I wish to..."

My eyes widened in shock, disbelief, and so many emotions it'd take a book the size of the dictionary to write them all down. "What do you want me to do?!"  I pleaded.

"Huh?... Oh! Right! Well... The reason I lure people in here, and kill someone they love is that... Well, I want back what the gods took away from me."

"...and what would that be...?"

"My sight."

I completely deadpanned. "You have got to be kidding me! You realize they have something now called "Laser eye surgery" that can fix that?!"


"Yeah. Will was telling my about it on the way here..." I broke back into a mess of sobs and tears.

I missed him already. I missed his smile that never seemed to fade. I missed his warmth. I missed how annoying he was when he blabbered, or sang, or decided to carry me astound like a princess for no good reason. I missed feeling his heartbeat against mine... I missed everything.

"There's another choice, too... I can wipe your memory, and you could walk out of here and start a new life, without all the past pain..."

"Why is that even an option...? You can have my sight, however you manage to take that... I don't care about that so much... But, I'm not leaving here without a living, breathing Will Solace."

"Awe! How cheesey! And, thank you! Apparently I need somebody's 'Consent' before I can take their sight away." She got ready to do some magic mojo on me before I stopped her.

"Wait! Can you please bring him back first...? I... I want to see his eyes one last time..." I begged.

"Eh, sure. Why not?" I was sitting beside him, now, when she clicked her tongue again, and pointed her gun at his bullet wound.

"Wha-?" I began to question, but was cut off by the piercing sound of the gun firing.

When I looked back down at him, his wound was gone. I placed my hand over his heart and was overjoyed to feel a slow, yet steady heartbeat. More tears spilled from my eyes, but, as you could probably guess, these ones were filed to the brim with joy.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him as close to me as humanly possible.

"Uh... Nico?" He pushed away. Looking at me with confusion as to why I was crying, smiling, and covered in blood.

"You're alive!" I hugged him again, before pushing him back long enough to study his features, look into his eyes, count the freckles on his cheeks, and hopefully; hopefully I'll be able to remember him clearly enough after the fact...

I turned to the bitch who put me through all of this pain. "Okay... Go ahead." She dropped her gun, raised her hands, and laid some super magic mojo on me. Next thing I knew... All I saw was darkness. I wasn't sure if I was passed out, or awake right now...

I blinked, once, twice... I guess this is my new reality...

I heard the girl, I assume, because Will's footsteps would Be much heavier, run to the mouth of the cave. "The sunset! It's so beautiful... I missed that..." I could hear the happiness in her voice....

I don't think she'll be killing any more people...

"Nico..? What was that all about..."

I looked towards the sound of his voice. "It's a long story..."

"Deathboy, I'm over here..." His voice was coming from a different direction, now... Must be the fact that we're in a cave.

"Right. Uh... I'm sorta blind now... Mind helping me out?"

After Will helped get me out of the cave, he led me down the path until we came to a small park bench. After about as hour, he finally understood, and stopped asking questions.

"Oh..." I was leaning on his chest, happily listening to his heartbeat. "I'm sorry, Nic-" He began to apologize.

"Sorry?! You took a bullet for me. And being blind isn't so bad... Just promise me you'll always be here to guide me..."

"I swear on the Styx, that I'll be with you... Until I die... Again."

We both shared a laugh, it was nice... Not being threatened by anything. Just sitting in a bench with Will.

"We sound like we just got engaged..." I said, laughing.

"We might as well..." He added.

"William! I'm only fourteen!"

"You can't fool me! You're eighty something years old! Besides, I was just thinking maybe we could get promise rings..."

"Promise rings...?" I questioned.

"Yeah. It's like pre-engagement engagement."

"Hm... Sounds like something they'd do in a chick flick." I smiled. "Sure! Why not?"

Will placed a warm hand on my cheek, and slowly brought his face to mine.

And it was practically the best blind kiss of all time.~

A.N: ^^ Because I'm unoriginal!! (~˘▾˘)~  Hope you liked the nice author ending! I'm going to eat a king sized Kit-Kat now to reward myself for being less of a horrible person!

If you want more Solangelo written by me (idk why ya would though...), I have a Solangelo one-shot book called "Solangelo One-Shots" So if you check that out, I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm going to try to update it once a week, starting tonight...

So, yeah. That's all! I hope you enjoyed the story, and thanks for not killing me!~


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