Chapter 3: An Unexpected Arrival

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Nico's P.O.V

I hurriedly got myself a sandwich, and sat down at my table, hiding my face so that hopefully nobody would see how ridiculous I looked. Luckily for me, lunchtime was nearly over, and most campers were staring to go off to their next activities, including Will... Not that I really cared.

I ate half of my turkey sandwich, and disposed of the rest, losing my appetite halfway through the meal. I drank some water and headed down to the beach, towards Jason and Percy, to help set up.

"Hey, Nico! Nice haircut!" Jason yelled, drawing attention. I hid my face from other campers, as they looked over.

"Shut up, Grace." I sighed, nearing the water. "So, how can I help?"

"Oh, uh..." Percy thought for a moment. "Well, that table over there needs to be set up... It's for snacks! Annabeth helped me make blue brownies, blue cookies and An assortment of other blue snacks!"

"Great. Anything that won't give the guests diabetes?" I asked. He frowned at me, trying to think of a comeback. "Don't give yourself a headache, Percy." I smirked to myself, and walked to the table.

After I got the table set up, Percy came over and started setting all kinds of sugary foods on it. "Hey... Percy...?"

"Mhm?" He turned to face me, his mouth was full of brownie. He swallowed the food. "Yeah?" He corrected himself.

"Uh, isn't it a bit... I dunno... Weird, I guess...? To throw a party, considering..." I didn't wasn't to say it, and I didn't have to, either. He knew I was talking about Leo.

"Well..." He scratched the back of his neck. "Jason and I were actually hoping that maybe a party would lighten the mood a bit..."

I nodded, to show him I understood. Though I still couldn't get Leo's death out of my head, it just... Hadn't felt right. Not that deaths ever do...


People had started to show up, they danced, talked... Did normal party things. I tried to be social, but failed miserably and mostly just got weird looks from strangers. So, instead, I sat under the snack table, alone...

I contemplated why I was even still there, when a pair of tan feet wearing flip-flops walked up to the table. Wait a minute... I'd recognize those flip-flops anywhere! I thought to myself happily. I was about to grab Will's ankles and scare the schist out of him when I heard him talking to... Himself...?

"I thought Jason said he was here already..." He said, sadly. "I guess I shouldn't've expected him to stay long..." I stayed completely silent, feeling a bit bad for eavesdropping, but I was too curious, now... He laughed to himself half-heartedly. "And to think... I had almost gotten the courage to tell him that I like him..."

Oh, great... Just what I needed... Another guy I like who already likes someone else... My eyes widened at my own thoughts. No! You don't like him, you idiot! And he doesn't like you... So just... Stop! I told myself. It was quite depressing, really... But it was better than getting my hopes up...


Just then, not too far from the coast, something crashed into the ocean. I banged my head on the table as I sat up hurriedly. "Ow..." I said quietly, rubbing my head. I climbed out from underneath the table and ran to the coast, only to find myself with a bunch of other campers, hopefully as confused as I was.

"Dammit! That was supposed to be am awesome entrance!" I heard a frustrated, yet familiar voice yell from the water.

I could make out two figures in the distance, pulling and pushing along an alarmingly large hunk of metal... And it wasn't any normal metal, either, it was celestial bronze. It looked as if it were crafted into a large robot. About the time I realized it, Jason, Piper and Annabeth were running into the water. Percy must not have been down here at the moment, our he would be splashing Leo in the face for revenge...

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