Aphrodite, Hear My Plea [On Hold]

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"Okay, so explain." She said as she sipped through her bright pink straw.

"Explain what?" I smiled again.

"Like, who you are."

 My heart skipped a beat and I choked on my smoothie.

 "Who I am?" I asked to clarify.

"We'll you're definately not from here, you have an accent. And you're so..." She paused to think of a word descriptive enough.

"Tall dark and handsome?" I filled in, smirking down at her.

She rolled her eyes, trying to look exasperated. But I could tell she was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Well, I do travel a lot, so I uess that explains my accent." True, I have visited every tropical ocean on earth. Including the fake beach on Mount Olympus.

"Where do you live then? I mean, when you're not traveling." She inquired some more.

I was silent for a moment, then answered "In a house. On an island. In the middle of nowhere."

"Someone's being very secretive..." She left that hanging.

"Sorry, I just- I'm not lying," (Well, maybe I was about the island part but I mean, who woud belive I live underwater?). "I'm serious. What about you? Where do you live?"

"No, no. I still have some more questions for you!" She stopped walking and turned to me.

I stopped along side her and raised my eyebrows.

"What were you really doing yesterday? I mean, it was like you were flying, but on water. And your clothes weren't wet, I didn't mention it earlier, but you were dry as a bone. What were you really up to?" She was getting pretty heated and didn't sound like she was going to stop.

"I told you, I was surfing!"

"You said you were swimming."

Shoot. "Swimming, surfing, same things..."

No, it's not. For crying out loud, and why, how did you just disappear? The water just took you away." She snapped her fingers, "Just like that!"

"I don't know, okay. Maybe I decided I wanted to swim some more!" I threw my arms out to either side as if to say "so sue me".

"But that still doesn't answer my question! Her voice had escalated almost to  shout and attracted the attention of some bikers taking a scenic stop along the road.

"Then I guess you won't get the answer you're looking for." I turned and kept walking.

"Hey! Don't walk away from me!" She ran to catch up. "Mason!"

The way she said my name. It made my insides do flips and my lips started to curve. Then I forced them back down, I couldn't give in.

"What." I said, in as hard of a tone as I could muster.

"You can't just drop into my life and not tell me how or why. It doesn't work that way; nobody can just fly in on water like that. Nobody normal does that!" Emma looked at me expectantly, like I really should tell her so she could trust me.

"There's nothing that I could tell you that would make it sound normal. It's what I just told you, I was swimming, and there was a rogue wave  and it amost smashed me into the rock. Instead, I ended up smashing into you...."

Hope you all like it! More to come soon!

xx Justine



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