yep! I'm moving!

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"Ali, it will be ok!" " No it won't! how will we communicate?" "My dad said he will do whatever he has to do, to move easier, which means he will pay for long distance calls!" "Still, what about dance? Your my partner! '" there's lots of girls who would love to be your partner! you will be fine!" "I'm just going to miss you so much!!!" "I know, I'm going to miss you too, but we will talk everyday!!!" "Okay, but we have to go we have dance!" " Oh yeah! we better hurry!!!"


"ok I want every one to do a double axel to the floor, and roll out of it." Mrs. Chelsea was teaching class today. every one started practicing the double axels to the floor, and I noticed that Hannah was having trouble, but this was her favorite dance move, she had perfected the move! what was going on? I walked over to her. "Hannah, are you ok?" "yeah I'm fine why?" " you seem a little off today." "oh, just a lot is on my mind. that's all. "ok!" I didn't believe her but I figured she would tell me later.


When I walked I saw Hannah, and she seemed really sad again. I walked up to her and asked what was wrong but she just shrugged then I asked "How long until you move?" Um" she paused for a minute then said "I don't know." Ok something was wrong, she looked sad, and she wasn't talking to me! what the heck? when we finished school I asked Hannah if she wanted to come over, but she said she was busy and gave me a hug that lasted a long time, and said goodbye, and left, but I saw her wiping away tears as she left! the next day at school she wasn't there, so I called her house and nobody answered, so I called back two hours later. Now I know her family is busy, but someone's always home! Especially if Hannah is sick! for the next week she was absent, so I got her dads cell phone number from my mom and called him.


"Hi can I speak to Hannah please?"

"Yes, one second,"


"Hannah!!! o my gosh its good to hear your voice!"


"Yeah! How are? do you have the flu or something? you haven't been at school or dance for a week!"

"Um no I don't have the flu or anything like that..."

"then why haven't you been at school?"

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