Bringing back the past

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I woke up and I couldn't breathe.

"Alison?" It was Emmy.

"Alison, are you okay?" She asked me.

"Hannah! Where's Hannah! I have to protect her!!!" I tried getting up but Emmy gently pushed me back down.

"I'm sorry, but you can't go anywhere right now. You need to heal, and besides, Hannah is with her parents at their temporary house."

"I have to protect her! It's going to hurt her! It's said I wasn't supposed to live! And that Hannah was going to pay because of me. I can't let anything happen to her. You don't understand! Why don't you understand! She is the only person who understands me, who accepts me, and she is the only one that stuck by me when I went through a rough patch! I need to get to her now! I need to save her!" I was screaming now.

"Alison, she is okay, it was just a nightmare. She will be here tomorrow morning. You can see her then, but until then you need to try to sleep. You are alive. It's okay, you are allowed to live, you were supposed to die, but you didn't, your strong, and now you are stronger than ever. Never give up!"

"What did you just say?"

"I said it's okay, you are allowed to live, you were supposed to die, but you didn't, your strong, and now you are stronger than ever. Never give up."

"That's what the good orb said in my dream."

"It was just a dream! Try to get some sleep." So I tried but I couldn't go back to sleep. Emmy said the same thing as the good orb. That's really weird, and not right. I'm missing somthing. Something huge, but what? I thought about it for a few more hours until I heard my door open.


" Good! You're awake! I brought three dance magazine's, four fashion ones, and some brownies!!!"

" Hannah! I'm so glad you're here, and you're safe!"

"You're the one in the hospital not me why wouldn't I be safe?"

"Because I had a dream, the black orb said I wasn't supposed to live, and I had upset the balance, and it was coming after you for revenge." Her eyes glossed over with tears, and my vision blurred. She walked over and gave me a huge hug.

"I will be fine, you need to stop worrying about me, get better, eat some sugar, because I am determined to bring giggly Victoria out!"

"What am I going to do when you move?"

"We'll, I need to talk to you about that, my dad asked if he could be transferred back here for at least a few more years, since everything happenend. So we're going to be here for a little longer, at least until I'm out of high school!"

"Really!" I had no words I was so happy!

"Really! Now eat a brownie before I cram it down your throat! I even have spoons so you 'don't get your hands messy'!"

"Yeah yeah yeah! You say that now, but you will be thanking me when you don't have to wash your hands after you eat one!"

We ate our brownies and as Hannah pulled her spoon out it made a farting noise. We both burst into giggles.

"My spoon farted!" Hannah exclaimed making us laugh harder. I was so glad she wasn't moving.

"Knock knock!" An eerily familiar voice said. As soon as I saw him come in I froze with fear. This was the one person who could make scared for my life and I couldn't relive what had happened in the past, I had finally gotten over everything. I pressed the emergency button trying to be discreet so he wouldn't see me. Hannah stepped closer to me.

"Miss me?" He asked.

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