Everything will be ok! I think

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So my parents got here and doctors and nurses started to take tests on me. I had Broken my left leg and shoulder and my right foot. I have lots of bruises too! Hannah's mom came a few days later to support Hannah. The doctors told me that I can go home in a week but I have to be on bed rest for two weeks and then I can't dance for at least a year!

"I feel so bad!!!"

"Han, it's not your fault!"

"Yes it is if I would of told you I left you wouldn't have gone to my old house and when u left gotten into an accident!"

"No I was crying so I should pulled over and waited until I stopped or had my mom or dad pick me up. Don't blame yourself!"

"But I do blame myself."

"We'll don't!"

Hannah's mom walked in and told her she had to leave. We said goodbye and she left. A few minutes later my parents walked in. I didn't really want to talk to my parents the last few months they have been treating me like they don't care about me.

"Ali! thank goodness your awake!"

"Mom I'm fine."

"Alison! that is no way to talk to your mother!" My Dad snapped at me

"I'm sorry."

"Ali, you had us so worried! Why on earth would you drive without looking both ways! you were almost killed!"

She said that in a way like she was sad I wasn't killed! What's going on? Then all of a sudden something started beeping and a nurse ran in and shooed my parents out! My mom looked scared when she saw the nurses face. that was weird. Oh well thank goodness They're gone! Another few minutes and my stress level would of been through the roof! Then I realized that's what the beeping was. My stress levels had gotten to high! Maybe now they will go a little easier on me.

"Your stress levels got to high."

No! I wanted to tell the nurse in a sarcastic voice but instead I just said "Okay"

"Who was in here with you?"

"My parents."

"Ok well if this happens again while they are in the room then we have to take away there visiting privilege's."


"You don't seem upset about that."

"Why would I? They keep stressing me out and putting so much pressure on me and when I told them Hannah was moving and I was upset they acted like they didn't care and then there's this huge solo for dance and they are making me work way too much so I can get the part and yeah I 3want it but I'm ok if I don't get it and Miss Chelsea already told my I'm most likely going to get the part but my parents do care and no matter what I do I can never please them I'm never as good as my older sister even though I have straight A's and am on the honor role I don't have good enough grades for them and it seems like I will never be good enough for them with anything I do! And..."

"Alison Breath. It will be ok. try telling them how you feel."

"I have! They don't listen!"

"Then make them!"


"Like this..."

The nurse walked out and came back in with my parents.

"Alison has something she needs to tell you. And you are going to listen and not interrupt."

"Excuse me? I do not interrupt people!"

"Then you wouldn't be talking right now would you?"

The look on my moms face! Priceless!

"Go ahead Alison."

Gosh the nurse is so nice! So I finally got a chance to tell them how I felt! that's only because every time my mom started talking the nurse shushed her. At the end my mom protested all of it and the nurse made them leave. When she came back in she said...

"By the way my name is Emma but everyone calls me Emmy. I will be your nurse while you're here."

"Thank you for all that!"

"Don't worry I had parents like that. Well kind of."

she kind of mumbled the last part but I still heard what she said. I have really good hearing is what my mom always says.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I was in an adoptive facility until I was eight then I was adopted and they kind of kicked me out when I was eighteen. So they're kind of my parent's."

"Have you ever seen your real parents?"

"More recently then you will ever know." She mumbled that but I decided to let it go I was really tired and I think I drifted off to sleep.

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