Chapter 4:Take care of the counter attack

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[Victory is already in their hands]

Kagami smiled happily while holding sora on the head when he announce kise's weakness. Kise only stood there trying to resist the cute face sora is making, while sora is pouting with a furrowed eyebrows"Kagami is powerless against kise, but his weakness is.."hyuuga mumble to himself"Aside from passing, the weakest girl on court, sora-chan?" riko continued. Sora was still on kagami's hand, she looks at him with an annoyed face, while kise smiled nervously "So?.." he said as sora slap away kagami's hand on her sky hair "It's true soracchi's is the only one I can't imitate. But what does that change?" he ask as the whistle was blew by the referee "End of first quarter. Take a two minute brake!" he yelled.

"It changes everything we'll bring you to tears in the second quarter" kagami said and walks away, kise was a little piss and annoyed when he saw sora was peeking at him at her shoulder, when she looks away, a little beam of red light followed her eyes and quickly disappeared, kise blink and grip his fist 'Wasn't that......' kise thought and narrowed his eyes.

[Blind basketball]

After a while, they were now cleaning the court for the second quarter "An eight points difference. Seirin's not bad" koji said as the score were 27-35 which is the kaijo was leading the points "What the hell are you doing?!" yelled coach takeuchi "They're closing the gap!" he added "Yes Sir!" they replied except for kise, who is in deep thoughts about what he saw at sora's eye earlier 'Please..not her....can't be...why here? and why me?!' he thought as he clench his fist even tighter "Your fundamentals suck. Hands up! Screen out! Rebound!" he yelled more and they all replied the same"Your taller than them, so get the rebounds!" he added and they replied the same, when yukio notice that kise was silent the whole time (S-Soracchi?) (I'm not sora) kise got scared all of the sudden, he covered both his ears as his eyes were full of fears as he started to remember when he saw a girl with red bloody glowing eyes like staring into your worst nightmare "Oy kise" yukio ask him as he started shaking kise "She's back...." kise whispered, yukio went a little closer to hear clearly what he was saying "She's back.....My worst nightmare. She's back" he whispered with fear in his voice.

"I see, Yeah. That could work" riko said as she place her fingers on her chin "Kagami-kun, looks like you finally cooled down" she added "No, I was always--" before kagami could reply hyuuga and izuki cut his sentence "You were really pissed!" they yelled at the same time "But sora-chan and kagami-kun, your coordination will be key" riko said with a serious face and tone on her "Can you do it?" she ask "Yeah, probably. We'll wo--" before kagami could reply again, a hand just karate chop his ribs, he groaned and look to see it was sora, she used the tips of her fingers to hit kagami at the rib side"You bastard, where did that come from?" he ask in a weak tone "You want to beat kise-kun don't you?" she ask, when kagami stand up straight while looking away "Of course!" he replied as he copied her attack earlier to him, kagami also hit sora at the rib side, she groaned as well and hold her ribs "Well then" riko said as she crossed her arms on her chest as she watch her players step into the court "Let the second quarter begin!" yelled the referee"Take care of the counter attack!" she added.

"Do it,Do it,Do it, Kaijo" the crowd yelled cheering for their school team.

The ball was first caught by kise who dribbled and quickly made a dunk.

The ball was now at hyuuga who is being block by yoshitaka, hyuuga quickly jump and made a three point shoot.

The ball was now back to kise who also made a three point. the score was now 29-39, which is, kaijo is still leading.

'The kaijo's defense is still man-to-man' hyuuga thought and pass the ball to izuki who pass it back to kagami "something's changed, right?" kise ask, kagami just stayed silent and run towards the ring 'Just another drive? Maybe another fadeaway?' kise thought chasing afer kagami while blocking him from the side, kagami continued to dribble the ball when he suddenly released it at the back, kise was surprised, when the ball was caught by sora and pass it to kagami while facing back as blue laser was tailing the ball as she passed it to kagami 'He's coordinating with soracchi?!' kise thought as he only watch kagami run towards the ring with the ball and made a dunk. The score was now 31-39"Yes!.." riko exclaimed as she pumps her fist, including the other seirin team.

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