The Argument

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Applejack's P.O.V

I woke up, with Dash laying by my side. I got up and went to the farm we had created. I collected eggs from the chickens, milked the cows, and watered the plants. A few carrots were ripe, so I picked them. I went to the river and washed off the eggs and the carrots, then made a fire. I found a big, flat rock. I cracked two of the eggs over it, then broke up the carrots and threw them in a weaved bowl that Orchard had made. I set the rock over the fire, then went and got two more. I cracked the remaining four eggs, two on each rock. Then I cooked the eggs over the fire. I put a few carrot pieces on each plate, then went to the woods to look for some herbs like parsley and mint.

Today was a special day, Orchard's birthday. We would have a special breakfast, and then she would open her gifts. But it was also a dark reminder, of the day I lost my home, the day I lost my only reminder of my family. It was also the day we had to run, run and find a safe place. Here.

I was walking and saw a figure in the distance, it was Orchard! "Orchard!" I said, "What are you doing up?" "I'm picking berries!" She replied, "I saw you get up and start making breakfast, and I wanted to help!" I smiled and gently kissed her on the forehead.

After a while I found some parsley. Orchard picked tons of blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. We headed back to our little hut that Dash had made. I diced up the parsley and spread it out on the eggs. They got a bit cold, so I put them on the fire to warm up. Orchard crushed up the berries and made some jam for the side. I got the bowl I had used earlier for her to put it in.

Breakfast was done and Dash had woken up. We ate. Orchard opened her gifts. I had made her a grass skirt. Not much, but she put it on right away! Dash made her a weaved headband of long grass and small flowers. She said she loved the gifts. "Did you like everything?" Dash asked. "Yes! Everything was so, nice." She said.
"What's the matter sugarcube?" I asked, she sounded so, upset. "*sigh* it's just that, I want to see more than the waterfall! I want to get out there! I want to make friends!"
Dash was startled, she didn't want Orchard to know we were forbidden there, and neither did I! "Orchard," Dash said, "listen, you have friends here! The animals, the fish, us, you can talk to the animals!" I was confused, "Huh?" I said, "She can do what now?!" Dash sighed, "I went to Equestria in disguise, it was chaotic! I asked Fluttershy to give her lessons so she wouldn't be lonely." I was horrified! "DASH! You know Fluttershy cant keep a secret! What if Celestia goes to her for info!?!?" Dash said nothing.
"Woah Woah Woah! What? Celestia? What secret?" Orchard wanted answers and she wanted them now! I sighed, "Dash and I, ran away from Equestria when you were a foal." "And," Dash continued, "Our friend Twilight, cut each one of each of our hooves off so Celestia would believe we were dead. But she didn't believe it. So now Equestria is in chaos and its, well its our fault."
Dash started to tear up. "But, your safe here and that's all that matters."
Orchard got angry, "You guys have been holding out on me all this time?!?!" I tried to take over, "Now Orchard! That's no way to talk to your parents!" She just got angrier, "I DONT WANT TO BE HELD CAPTIVE IN THIS PLACE ALL MY FREAKING LIFE!!!" Dash got mad too, "Orchard! You shall not talk to us that way!!" Noww Orchard was furious, "I WANT OUT OFHIS PRISON CELL!!!" Dash finally snapped, "ORCHARD! YOU SHOULDBE THANKFULL!!! EQUESTRIA, IS IN CHAOS RIGHT NOW, WHILE WE ARE AT PEACE, BATHING IN CRYSTAL POOLS, AND EATING FRESH FOOD!!! IF WE WERE IN EQUESTRIA, WE WOULD BE DEAD!!!"
Orchard and I both started to tear up, "WELL, WELL....." Orchard was about to burst, but then she screamed, "I HATE YOU!!!!" At that moment, we all burst into tears and ran opposite ways.
Hey my brony buds! Again, sorry about not writing in so long, but here's an extra long chapter to make up 4 it!
Stay cool my brony buds!

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