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Rainbow's P.O.V

I ran into the forest. I couldn't think of anything else! Orchard didn't know what she was getting herself into, I was the "man" of the family, Applejack mothered her, so I made it my duty to father her. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I tripped and fell into a puddle. It tasted like blood, eeeeyyyuuccckkkk!!! Wait.......blood? I trotted, then galloped, then I thought, "Screw it! I'm a pegasus!", and flew.
I was getting close to Ponyville, and there were more blood puddles as I went along. My mouth practically hit the ground when I saw Ponyville, it looked like living hell!!!! There were dead bodies and blood puddles everywhere! I recognized some of them as I teared up. Mr and Mrs Cake, Cheerilee next to sulking Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo, Shining Armour and Cadence, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Oh no, poor Flutters! Why? Why this? And where was Twilight?
I soared over to Twilight's castle and crashed through the window. "TWILIGHT?!?!? WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" I heard faint voices in the distance. "O-o-over h-here!" I walked into the main room, where the map, and our thrones were. There were Twilight, Pinkie, and Luna. They all looked worried. I galloped in and hugged them all. "What are you doing here?!" We all said unison. "I ran away after an argument Orchard, AJ, and I had." I sulked. I noticed Pinkie's hair was, well, deflated! "Pinkie, what happened?" Pinkie looked away. "We," Twilight said, "are trying to band our magic together to stop Celestia! Luna will rule and peace will be restored!"
In case you are confused and/or saying Pinkie doesn't have a horn, just continue......
That was a good plan! "Maybe AJ and I could help!" "That would be much appreciated!" Said Luna, "Get Applejack and Orchard and meet us at the remains of Zecora's tree house at midnight." I was confused, "Wait, remains? Last time I saw it, some crazy mare......."
"That mare," Said Pinkie, " Was Tie Die, the master of slaughter.........and my cousin." I was startled to hear Pinkie speak, she had been silent this whole time. She continued to speak. "She tried to kill you, so I burned Zecora's tree house down, because that's where she was living."
"Wait, how did you know she was trying to kill me?"
Pinkie unfurled a pair of alicorn wings on her back. "I gave them to her," Luna said, "I knew Ponyville was in for a huge storm of chaos, so I asked her to watch over you three."
"I use my element of harmony," Pinkie revealed it from under her dark mane, "as a horn. I command it to do something mentally, and it happens." Pinkie continued to stare out the window.
"So," said Luna, "you will meet us......."
"At Zecora's tree house remains."
"Correct, at......"
"At midnight."
"It's settled then."
With that, I turned in search for AJ and Orchard.
But not before I scooped up Scootaloo and tossed her on my back.

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