Chapter 1

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Three completely different girls, will become the most unlikely of friends...

One Day, Isabella was walking at the harbour. Isabella is a quiet, shy, smart girl. She has long blonde curly hair and big round blue glasses to match her eyes. She stayed to herself even more because her mom died at a young age, Isabella was 9. Her dad tries to stay calm, but in reality he is raising 7 daughters, Cornelia, Taylor, Annabeth, Perrie and Paris and Isabella. She was the youngest of 6.

"Hey! Isabella! Come here!"

Ashton, the most popular guy in school. He was self centred and got everything he wanted because his parents were both filthy rich families. They were never at home because they were away business trips all the time. So Ashton decides to throw the most reckless parties.

"Yes, Ashton?" Isabella asked, disgust and nervousness in her voice. "I was hoping you'd come out to the island with me?" Ashton asked with a smirk on his face. Isabella furrowed her eyebrows and wrapped her arms even tightier around her stomach. "Are you going to abandon me at the island or something?" Ashton laughed at Isabella, "You think that bad of me?" Ashton held out his hand as he asked and Isabella rolled her eyes, "Um..." Isabella rubbed her lips together, slowly walked toward Ashton and took his hand.

Ashton gently, to Isabella's surprise, helped her onto the boat. When they got further out into the ocean, Isabella was staring out at the sun setting. The shine on the now sparkling water, "Do you remember when we were friends? Like, best friends then, you know.." Ashton asked, smiling down at Isabella who was still concentred on the water, "Then died." Ashton took Isabelles hand, "What are you doing, Ashton?" Isabella asked quietly shaking Ashtons hand off of hers.

When she turned to rant to his face, he pushed her off the side of the speed boat. Isabella tumbled into the water, "Ashton! These are shark infested waters!" Isabella squealed as quick as she could, dunking under the water. Ashton was laughing at her, pointing an expensive camera down at her, "Ashton, I-" Isabella dunked again, when she got back up, she gulped for air and finished her sentence, "I don't swim! I can't swim!"

Ashton was sitting in fits of laughter, basically watching Isabelle almost drown. Until, two girls appeared on another speed boat, "Ash! Mom and Dad are going to kill you for this!" A girl with dark blonde hair and tanned skin called from the white boat. She was Ashtons twin sister, Vienna. She was the complete oppisite to her twin. The other girl with light blonde hair pulled the boat up beside Ashtons. She helped, gasping and shaking, Isabella out of the freezing water.

Isabella pushed her glasses up her nose and was clasping onto a strange necklace around her neck. The girl wrapped a warm towel around Isabella and rubbed her arms up and down, "It's okay, Isabella. I'm Lilibeth, I'm new around these parts." Ashton started to whine after he shut his camera off, "Vienna! You ruin everything! I was just havin' some fun." Lilibeth got up, freaked out at Ashton and pointed down at Isabella, "She is one year younger than all three of us. And you can't push someone who can't swim into shark infested water! Are you sick or what?!" Ashton laughed at Lilibeth, "How was I suppose to know she couldn't swim?" Vienna shook her head, "What she mean't was, she could've drown and you don't push anyone into these waters, you idiot!"

Ashton let out a deep laugh, making Isabella shake even more. They sent Ashton home and brought Isabella to the island to calm her down. They started to walked threw the island. There was tall green trees and exotic plants and flowers. Isabella was going from one to another, pointing out how rare it was and took a mental picture with each one. Then, they came across a weird bolder.

Lilibeth and Vienna were checking the rock out while Isabella stood there in amazment. Lilibeth squinted her eyes and then turned to Isabella, "Your necklace. It is the same shape as this ingraving." Isabella was already holding her necklace and gasped when she saw the ingraving up close. Isabella took the necklace off and gave it to Vienna. When Vienna placed the necklace on it, the necklace shone and the bolder moved to the right into the trees.

The three slowly walked into the cave, the bolder closing behind them. Isabella quickly grabbed onto the closest arm, Lilibeths. Then, stones in the walls started to shine and sparkle. Blue, purple, pink, all beautiful colours. The sand under them was even sparkling in places, silver rocks shining the way to a small stone stairway.

Isabella, being the smallest, climbed in first. When the trio all got into the mysterious cave, the gasped in amazement. Isabella's hand trailed across the walls was shining stones. Lilibeth was looking at the deep ocean blue pool with a small waterfall going out into the deep waters. Vienna kneeled infront of the pool and looked at the weird shaped rocks formed around the pool.

There was another carving, but of names. Lilibeth interrupted Vienna's concentration on the markings, "I'd say we could get out that way." Lilibeth pointed past the small waterfall, Isabella quickly shook her head, "I can't swim at all! I'll drown!" Lilibeth and Vienna were already in the water, "Come on. We'll help you."

Isabella slowly walked into the warm pool. The two girls helped her stay up, then, the pool was getting warmer. Bubbles were raising to the stones and they were shining and blazing. The sun had already set, the moon was raising. The girls felt their stomachs turn, something felt different. Then, when they looked down at the water when all the bubbles were gone, something was definatly different. They had tails. Fins. Scales.

A young boy appeared from dust infront of them. "I am Brad.." Lilibeth and Vienna were admiring the beautiful, golden/orange tails they had grown. While, Isabella was swimming perfectly to the edge of the water, admiring the marking on the rock.




Isabella started to cry happy tears when she saw her mothers name, Serena, neatly carved into the rock. Brad smiled, "She was a beautiful woman, Isabella." Isabella looked up at the young boy, "You knew my mother?" The boy laughed at Isabella's surprise, Isabella looked back up at Brad, "Did you actually know her?" Isabella asked, her arms folded on the rock,

"You're mother was the eldest of 16 sons and daughters. She was crowned Princess of the Seven Seas, her father Titan and mother Lucinda were King and Queen. Serena was very interested in her duties but also wanted to the outside world. Her parents, they granted her one night on land. In that night, she fell in love with David. She admitted to her parents and told David what she really was. David excepted her, but they were heart-broken that they couldn't be together. But things like that only happen in fairy tales."

Lilibeth and Vienna were doing the same as Isabella, "So what happened?" Vienna asked, excitment in her eyes from the story. Brad smiled down at Isabella, both their eyes were stuck on eachother, "Serena, Isabella's mother traded her tail for legs. The necklace you have around your neck, it's a mulennia old. It's been in your family for that long." Isabella tilted her head, "So-so my mom..was a royal mermaid? A princess?" Brad nodded, "How are her sisters not like Serena? How is Isabella, until now, not like Serena?"

Brad inhaled, "When Serena traded, she asked me not to place her mermaid gene upon her children. You see, you've broken my spell. You entered this cave and you've broken the spell. Anyone can turn on this night, example Lilibeth and Vienna. But, you're Isabella's protectors, that is why you had the push to help her. This is faith, all three of you are now protectors, protectors of this island." Vienna shrugged, "So let me get this straight, we're mermaids, Isabella already has a mermaid gene, we're protectors of this island and Isabella." Lilibeth smiled, "So does that make Isabella a princess? What if we found her mothers family?"

Brad kneeled down, "You girls will remember this. Now I must put you to sleep." Isabella was the last to sleep, "Good night, my love." A smile cracked over Isabella's lips as Brad's kissed her forehead. When the girls touched land they returned to their two legged selves. Brad brought them home in the middle of the night, he carried Isabella into bed and kissed her forehead again.

Isabella's eyes flickered, "Brad? Will you stay with me please?" Brad smiled and picked up the blanket and lay beside Isabella. Isabella lay her hands on Brad's chest and lay her head on her hands, "Goodnight, Brad."

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