chapter 22

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"You want to help me pack?" I asked, "I have no idea what I need or don't need"
"Why are you packing?" asked Sukura
"Just in case they find me here I want to be ready"
"Oh ok at least you have stuff to pack" she said with sadness "yeah I will help"
"thanks and we will get you a suit case of stuff once we are organised I have some money saved up" I replied with a small comforting yet forced smile I am not usually like this for a stranger but for some reason I feel like there is a connection between us. "Just put in what you think that I should take with me"
"Ok I am sure I can do that," replied Sukura as she picks up a skirt off the floor
"Oh and another thing I am not girly so..." I said looking at the skirt
"Oh ok" she said looking confused
"If you like the skirt I can alter it so it will fit you if you want?" I asked
"Maybe I will think about it," replied Sukura
"Ok" I smiled
Sukura picked up items of clothing one by one, folded them, and put them in separate piles. One for jumpers, for t-shirts, for skirts, for dresses and another for trousers. She was a neat person she even put my books in piles according to genre and sorted the cereal bars putting the date furthest from the others at the bottom. Her movements were fast and I mean fast it was unnatural. I didn't say anything as I thought that she was insecure enough so I kept my mouth shut like the old days.
After I packed what I think, I need which was, four jumpers, 4 t-shirts, 4 trousers, 4 shorts a dress, 2 skirts and all my underwear. As well as two pairs of trainers a pair of shoes. Some slippers, work boots, and a pair of pyjamas. I also throw in two cushions, two throws and two thick jackets. I also put in four hats and some gloves and scarves just in case we need them. Then I thought what if we need first aid so I got both first aid kits and squeezed them in. Then I grabbed a backpack and put all my cereal bars and a few bottles of water. I grabbed another bag and put my bin atone eBook, my pm3 player with extra batteries, my DSi and charger and a psp with the charger to and a few games for each of them then last but not least I got my book.
The one that I kept all the information I needed phone numbers and addresses and account numbers with sort codes and passwords. This book was my life with the addresses of everyone I know all over the world from India to Australia to America and Canada. After I finished doing everything, I started to talk to her again to pass the time, as it was 10 o'clock I thought that I would offer to take her shopping for a few things as long as it's cheap we have to stretch the money that I have for as long as possible. Then I thought we should change our appearance and ditch the car as well as get a nickname for each other. To make hiding easier for us to be on the safe side.
"Do you want me to alter any of these clothes for you?" I asked
"Yes please I would like the dresses and the skirts and those two tops but only if you want to I don't want to put you out," replied Sukura shyly
"Ok then I will take my sewing kit with us and we will go shopping for anything else" I replied
"Thank you" she smiled "but may I ask why are you helping me?"
"I would like to think if I was in your situation someone would help me" I replied "sorry but I have to ask do you have any money or access to money because we are going to need it and I don't have that much"
"Yes I still have my bank card I have about $2700" she said
"Ok" I replied, "I think we should save our money just to be on the safe side but it's ok if you don't"
"Yeah sure do have experience with this sort of thing?" asked Sukura
"Kinda I know how to budget because of I am use to it with my back ground" I replied
"Oh ok," sighed Sukura "I guess I was lucky I never had to budget ever"
"Yeah I guess" I said automatically as I put myself on auto pilot

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