Hello people! This is Scorpia, and I will be writing about something pretty controversial today! If you are a religious person who doesn't agree, and you leave a not so nice comment, good for you, sure, we might read it, but we won't respond. So enjoy my arguments, me stating facts, and getting just a little upset.
Yeah, I am an agnostic, okay? My mom is Christian, and I wont tell her because I know she won't believe it, along with my sexual orientation. Whenever I go to my school and see all these people with crosses on their necks, saying praise Jesus, I just wonder, have they read all the bible? Even though I don't see any evidence that anything in the bible is true, I plan on trying to reading it before the end of the year. I have two bibles, thanks to my mother, and one I will write questions in the sides, and trying to summarize. It will be my secret bible, where I can freely question what it says. I was at church the other day, and the pastor brought up evolution, I could already feel myself cringe. I tried my best to keep my face calm, so no one would notice.
But what he said amazed me.
"I don't really understand it(referring to evolution). We see micro evolution, like with breeds of dogs and cats. Their are several breeds that evolved, but the dog is still and dog, is not turning into a cat. There was a little girl who asked her dad, 'how did humans get here?' he answered, 'millions of year ago, we evolved from monkeys, and here we are.' she went over to her mom, and asked the same question her mom answered, 'God made the world in six days, and he created us in his image.' the little girl replied, 'but dad said we came from monkeys.' the mom replied, 'He was explaining his side of the family."
Everyone in the church laughed. I almost wanted to shout, "But we didn't come from monkeys! WE came from a common ancestor that was also related to modern apes. We branched off of the same organism, we aren't from apes or monkeys. This fits perfectly with what you said actually. We are primates, that came from primates just like monkeys, who are also primates. We evolved from primates, and are STILL primates. "
Also, when people say, "Well, a theory is just a theory, you don't even have that much evidence to support it!" I feel my eye twitch. A theory in the scientific definition is, "A claim that has been tested more than several times, has similar outcomes in data, and is supported by that data." the theory several people think of is closer to a hypothesis, or a guess.
How is this so difficult for people to understand this?
Personally, I think that several people want to just ignore it and move on with their traditional teachings that they are comfortable with. But if we all stayed in our comfort zones, then humans would still be living in trees, with no language, technology, or knowledge. Or worse, extinct.
My next reason is BIGOTRY. All of the religions say that they're right, they all have certain people that they are told to disown, abominate or even kill. Then that religion claims to be peaceful. For example, Muslim extremists are terrorizing people everywhere, because they say that their religion says to. But others say that their religion is peaceful. Being totally honest, I don't now much about Islam,(however i am interested in learning more about it, if anyone can direct to a good website or book, lemme know.) Then, when you look at Christians, several don't like people who are part of the LGBTQA community, and they even strike out against them. But doesn't Jesus say to love thy neighbor? How is hurting people, making fun of them, and killing them loving them? Do not get me started on Westboro Baptist Church. I live near the church, not in the town, but in the region, and I haven't seen them...yet. I actually want to see them, and ask questions about what they believe.
Not to mention when people claim that gender and sexual orientation are your choice. THEY ARE NOT CHOICES. One classmate of mine (who refused to participate in "Harry Potter Day" in chemistry, because witchcraft is evil) had said, "Of course being gay is a choice!" I face-palmed so hard. Instead of walking away or laughing at his silly claim, I replied, "Well, why in the world would anyone choose to be a certain kind of person if they are to be an outcast, teased, and maliciously bullied?"
he retorted, "Because they didn't go to God for answers, and gave into their lust."
This was the moment where I realized that some children have been brainwashed by religious fanatics so much, that there is no turning back for them, and that some are so deep, they can't be reasoned with.
Third. There is no proof, other than the bible. There are no records of the events that were told in it, and it has been translated so many times that it could have been changed a lot. Not to mention, the new testament was apparently the voice of ''God''. What if it was the actually the voice of the devil?
The bible was made by roman politicians, and is a political document. Nothing more. I hope that one day we will be able to look back on religion the same way we look back at Norse, Greek, Roman, Mesopotamian, and Ancient Egyptian mythology.
For a while, I became interested with Wicca, and Buddhism. This was in sixth grade, when I was first realizing who I was. It was a really rough time for me; my dad left a year ago , and my parents were divorcing, along with the fact I had one more year in Texas, and we would be packing our belongings up again. Christianity held no comfort for me, and frankly, made little sense to me. Being raised in a Christian family, I learned that being gay, lesbian, bi, trans, and several others was a sin. I still would have little crushes on boys and girls. Even when I was in elementary school, when all he girls would say they would marry a prince, I secretly wondered why we couldn't marry a princess. But in that first year of middle school, I began to see through the curtain, and realized I had been brainwashed my whole life.
Several wars have been started over belief systems, and how each side thinks that they're the hero and the opposing is a villain, a heathen.
So you might be asking, what DOES my not straight female narrator believe in? Well, I don;t say I believe in evolution, because saying the word "believe" means you have little or no information backing your claim up. I support evolution, and the copious amount of data backing it up. I only know of the things we can detect, whether it be with our senses or with high-powered machinery.