Ch 4: Goodbye Gerard

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Chapter Four

"Christmas is in two weeks." I spoke to myself, as I stared at the calendar that hung on the kitchen wall, "And father is bound to come back home before then, he never misses Christmas. So, I'll leave a week before." It was perfect really, just thinking about the freedom I'll have was exhilarating.

"Why must you always speak when you are alone?" Mariah walked in the room, "Your mumbling it's very pathetic, go make friends if you are so lonely."

I snorted, "Yeah, no thanks." I had friends, just not many. I didn't want to become to close of friends with anyone, because they'd want to come over, and the last thing I'd want anyone in my school to know is that my father is Gerard Way, the teenager's icon of 2009. Just as I was about to say something else, my father rushed into the room.

"Fuck, I feel like I'm forgetting something." He said, as he began to search the counters.

"You're going to be late for your flight." I sighed, as I leaned against the table.

"No shit Sherlock." He pushed me out of the way, and began rummaging through things on the table. 

"What are you looking for?" I asked, as I mentally forgave him for rudely pushing me aside. He was about to leave, I wasn't going to cause a scene now. I knew he would overly dramatize it. He did that my whole life.

Mariah came into the room with a beaten up notebook, that I knew had all my father's lyrical ideas. It was like gold to him. If I was trapped in a burning building, and so was that book, he'd come in, save the book, and leave me to burn in hell to wallow in my own hatred and desire to burn him along with me. I didn't doubt that for a second.

"You left it on the floor."

He smiled, more of relief than of gratitude, "Thanks, Mariah."

We walked him out, though I made a fuss about doing so, as I didn't really see what was so important about saying goodbye to him, Mariah scolded me and warned if I didn't she'd ground me herself (which she fully had the power to do). My dad patted Mariah on the shoulder, she wasn't really the hugging type. "Take good care of Satan while I'm away." He said, referring to me. 

I frowned, "Satan can take care of herself, thanks." If I was Satan, I could only imagine what he'd be.

He faked a laugh, "Yeah, don't fool yourself, kid." I also wasn't a kid.

"Don't get into trouble, I'm not bailing you out of jail." Mariah said with fake annoyance, though she was smiling faintly. I don't know why she liked my dad, I don't know why anyone liked my dad. He was a selfish man with an ego larger than space itself, which means it was never ending and expanded constantly throughout time.

"That makes two of us." I piped in, giving him a sarcastic grin. It would be my lucky day if he was sent to jail. I'd never let him live it down.


"I'm not making any promises." He flashed a smile, showing his white teeth, before he got into his car, and sped off. The moment his car was out of sight, I jump up and down.

"Yes!" I began to do an awkward dance, forcing Mariah to watch, "This is the greatest day of my life. Holy shit."

"You are such a stupid girl."

"Shut up, I'm celebrating." I hopped into the house and darted up to my room. He was going to be gone for quite some time. Which meant no drama, no stress, and a full bundle of free time to leave and do whatever the hell I wanted.

"Looks like it's just me and you, Mariah." I sarcastically, "What do you want to do first?"

"What I want to do first is clean this messy house, which mean you are going to help."

"We don't pay you to force me to clean." I said with a pout.

"You pay me to clean and teach you manners, which is exactly what this will do, now go get the mop, these floors are almost as nasty as your personality."

I grunted, and obeyed her orders. Maybe one of these days she will teach me how to be a heartless old Mexican woman like she is. Having her personality would really come in handy at times.

As I began to clean the floors, I couldn't help but feel excited that my father was finally gone. This only meant that all I had to do now was leave.

That, was going to be the tricky part, though.

How was I going to leave, and not worry Mariah to calling my father and telling him to come home too soon? It's important that I have a head start, and if she freaks out too soon, I'll never be able to seize my chance.

I was going to need to think of a good lie, and actual believable one.

Lucky for me, I lied all the time. Thinking of one was my specialty.

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