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A/N heyy guys this is an imagine it has no names it's written so anyone can be the lucky girl:)


Imagine walking down the street of thousands of screaming girls waiting for justin bieber to appear from his hotel room! Suddenly someone trips you over and you fall into the arms of a stranger. You slightly turn your head and see that this is no stranger it happens to be Justin Bieber. He carries you through the crowd in his arms, and takes you back to his hotel room! He insists that you need a doctor but you tell him your fine! Finally you have the courage to ask him to take a photo with him. He happily says that he would love to. So you take a couple of photos, then he asks you if you would like to go see the place where he is performing his next concert! You say that, that would be lovely. You and him walk out the hotel hand in hand, as your walking out Justin stops and signs a few autographs and takes a few photos with fans, then you hear people screaming at you asking you questions like "are you Justin's girlfriend" and "why are you with him". You have no idea how to answer these questions, you look at justin and he says for you to head to the car. Waiting for you and justin is a black limo. You are waiting next to the car when Justin comes up and opens the door for you, and when you hop inside the car, it's like nothing you've seen before, there a photos of him with fans, pictures of him singing, there is food and drink, Justin's guitar and on one of the seats there is a book. As he hops in the car you ask him what the book is and he says that it has fan mail in it. You ask him if you can see it, and he says sure you can! As your opening it you say to him why is it so small if has millions if fans, he takes the book from your hand and says its the fan mail that really means something to him. He opens it and it is full heartfelt messages from fans! As you turn the pages you recognise most of the letters, then all of the letters, the whole book is full of letters from you. You tell justin this and he is surprised, and he has always wondered why none of them had names on them. You tell him this is because you wouldn't be the only fan with your name, so it wouldn't be worth writing a name. Justin then tells you that these letters are very lovely and he takes them everywhere with him because they mean a lot to him, and then says that with out knowing it, he has been carrying you around with him everyday.

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