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Ugh I broke up with my boyfriend and cried in front of the whole school and I have so much AP history homework and I have the worst PCD ever plus I'm trying to get recruited for college soccer (yes, soccer, I'm American smh I know) which is so hard. So writing this story is just fueling my existence rn and I'm so excited and glad u guys like it ily all like TONS ❤️ GET READY FOR SOME HARDCORE LARRY SHIT GOIN DOWN THESE NEXT FEW CHAPPIES. IM GONNA LEAVE U ON THE EDGE OF UR SEATS TONIGHT THO SORRY. PS I was reading some past comments and can I just say u guys make me piss my pants loling

Louis needs a lay. He's been so caught up in everything lately that he hasn't even realized it until now. He needs it almost more than air at this point. It's been weeks, weeks since he's had a proper shag and he is so desperate for it that he'd be willing to accept most offers made. Well, that's a lie. Most decent offers. He's been so deprived that it's close to painful, but he's also been so out of the mood lately that he hasn't even had the motivation to get in a good jack off, either.

Usually, Louis picks someone up at the bar and they take him back to theirs--if he deems them trustworthy enough--for a quickie, or just in the car or some local bathroom, sometimes, if Louis is really feeling lenient. He simply leaves out the part where he's supposed to tell them he's in high school. It's that easy. Getting some at a club would probably be way easier, but Louis knows from experience that the men who lurk around under the lights and slink their arms around their selected prey are nothing less than absolutely creepy. The first time he went to the club was also the last--hopefully ever.

He can't even imagine how great any kind of action would be at this point, after waiting so long. To have someone else take care of his needs for him. Maybe he should go to the bar and do that. He thinks he will, probably, tonight after practice if he can. As Louis sits in his last hour class, he's restless at the thought, body tingling with it. He tells himself that he will get it tonight. In reality, he probably won't, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

He packs his notebook and textbook into his backpack a few minutes before the bell rings, and his teacher yells at him for it, since it's apparently considered "rude and a waste of time that could be spent learning". She makes him take his books back out of his bag and set them back on his desk until the bell rings, which is fucking irritating. After he rolls his eyes, at no one in particular, might he add, he gets warned about detention, but then the bell rings and he's already half way out the door before she finishes scolding him. He walks to the locker room with Isaiah, who asks him why he and Liam are avoiding each other and is met with a half-hearted glare and maybe a little bit of denial. He's so done with this week. Everything is just annoying, quite frankly.

When they walk into the locker room, it's alive with laughter and a bunch shirtless boys screwing around obnoxiously, just like old times. It feels weird being back at football for the first time again in what feels like forever, but it's actually nice and kind of exciting. Hopefully he won't get the shit kicked out of him again, this time.

"Oi, Tommo, you planning on avoiding me the whole whole week?" Is the first think Louis hears as he rounds the corner.

Liam's pulling on a t-shirt and shooting him his famous sad dog eyes, which of course do not--secretly do--work on Louis at all. Louis rolls his eyes and tosses his bag on the bench.

"Who says I'm avoiding you, Liam?"

Liam snorts. "Maybe the twenty snapchats that you opened and didn't reply to."

Louis can't help but laugh. "You're just desperate, don't play sad rejected friend with me."

"But I am sad and rejected," Liam retorts with a fitting pout of his lips.

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