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Craving more pictures of The Ass, you say? Well aren't you lucky that I have plenty of them. Just imagine how frustrated Coach Harry must be in this story having to see this at practice every day and not being able to get his hands on it wow poor guy

Anywaysssss I got the technical stuff figured out with publishing my chapters and this one should go smoothly! I've got finals coming up and lots of sports things going on so its been busy but I'm writing whenever I can--my apologies for late updates! Also legitimately everybody is annoying me rn and u guys r the only cool ppl so thank u all for being u ilysm all of u KEE COMMENTING AND RECOMMENDING AND VOTINGGGG! U GUYS R THE SHIT (keep an eye out for larry action comin up soon)

"That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard," Louis scoffs, crossing his arms. "I'm not sure that's even illegal!"

"Yeah, well, it apparently is. I almost got a ticket for that, can you believe it?" Liam frowns. He gives the football a pathetic whack towards the net and sulks after it.

A strong wind blows the hood from Louis' head and tousles his hair around--not that he had even bothered to style it this morning, just leaving it in a lazy fringe that sweeps from temple to temple. Louis' is unconsciously grateful that the weather has taken a turn and hopefully escaped out of its rainy phase, even though it is cold and the sky is still dark with the lingering grey clouds of fall. He enjoys this type of weather particularly, because he likes to layer up in sweatshirts and sweaters and warm socks, but also because it is perfect football weather. In this chilly air, even while running around and sweating, you never actually get hot, which is really nice. Louis hates playing football in the heat for some reason. The timing of weather couldn't have been any better for Liam and Louis' plan this afternoon to go kick around at the local fields. It kind of relaxes him already, even though they've barely been at the place for five minutes. It feels good to finally hang out with his friend for the first time in what seems like forever, and nothing takes the mind off of shit like football can.

Louis throws his head back and barks a laugh at Liam's pouting, holding hand over his heart dramatically.

"Oh my god, that's rich," he says. "If anyone would get pulled over for driving too slow, it would be you."

Liam sends the ball hurling at Louis' gut in retaliation, and Louis squeals, sticking an arm out to deflect the shot.

"Shut up,  you've gotten pulled over more times than I can count," Liam jabs back.

"Sure, but not for driving like a nan!"

Muttering a frustrated "whatever", Liam scoops the footie up from the grass and waddles over towards Louis, looking a bit chilly all bundled in his hoodie, and stops in front of him. For a minute, he just stands there, his eyes searching Louis' face with some unreadable look in his expression, and Louis feels himself instinctively shrink away from the stare, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.


Liam sighs, lips pressing together in a thin line. "Are you going to tell me what's happened to your face, mate, or will I just have to search all around town for another bloke with a black eye and a busted jaw?"

Louis' lungs stutter and he holds his inhale for a moment. His heart has sunken to somewhere else in his body, maybe to his stomach, or to his feet, or maybe it just dropped right off the face of the earth because Liam knows. And suddenly, this day isn't feeling so great anymore. Liam knows what's been going on this whole time. He has been aware from the start that it is not Louis' own clumsiness that so often leaves him bruised and beaten, but that it is another person who makes him look like this--and every single one of Louis' bullshit lies and excuses have been in vain. He stands there with his mouth hanging open like an idiot, not sure he could speak right now if he tried. Once the silence has decidedly gone on long enough, Liam exhales loudly and shoots Louis a disappointed look.

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