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Well then, Simon. Not suspicious at all.


On Saturday when Liam drove him to the doctor, she said that Louis has a twisted knee. She also said that he must be in a lot of pain, and that is quite true, but also extremely annoying since she then proceeded to jab at his leg harshly with her latex-gloved fingers. Which, why would she even need latex gloves if she's dealing with a twisted knee and not some highly contagious disease patient or a toxic lab subject or something? But, yeah. It sucks.

She made him schedule an appointment for the next day so he could come in and get it "readjusted", and that is an intimidating word. After she said that Louis got kind of scared and didn't really want to go back. Liam had to talk to him about how he would never be able to make it pro if he kept his knee all zig-zaggy for the rest of his life. After this conversation, being the strong, fearless male he is, Louis made the decision to schedule it anyway. He told himself it was for his own good.

And no, he wasn't nervous at all the next day when he hobbled back into the doctors office with Liam after signing paperwork and sat down on that squishy table, if you were wondering. And no, he most definitely did not cry when the doctor walked right in and jerked his knee practically out of its socket and shoved it back in without giving him any of that gassy stuff that makes you see crazy shit and not feel any pain. Nope. Not a single tear shed. Liam didn't even have to hold his hand (okay, maybe). But even if he did cry, it was okay, because the doctor that day was a fairly attractive middle-aged man who let him have a lollipop from the jar by the latex gloves that he kept eyeing throughout the appointment. And also Liam got him a pint of Ben and Jerry's Milk and Cookies ice cream, which sparked the augment over whether the cookie or cream is better in an Oreo. Louis had mostly forgotten about his knee by the end of the day. Until Liam, of course, had to pull the crutches out of his closet after they had gone back to his house and finished watching Ouija with their ice creams, and ruin Louis' entire evening. Louis can be really stubborn when he wants to. He has a real talent for that; the only problem is, Liam knows his tactics too well, and convinced him to wear the crutches for the next week by taking advantage of his weakness and telling him how he wouldn't play football ever again if he didn't.

Louis slept over at Liam's that night, after "aggressive icing", as Liam also insisted upon, and lots of scary movies. He sort of begins to think of Liam as a parental figure, which is a bit creepy and sad at the same time. But he figures it's okay, because Liam is his best friend and he loves him very much. Before they fall asleep on the couch beside each other, Louis tells him just that.


Monday comes, and despite his many tantrums and protests and big-sad-blue-eyed looks, Louis ends up in the parking lot at school. He stomps out of Liam's car, as best as one can to on crutches, and mean mugs anyone who even turns to face in his direction. Liam has already caught up to him, lugging both of their book bags in his tank arms (which further agitates Louis, because he really wants to be buff, too, but Liam won't tell him his methods).

"You know, you're not getting very far on those, Lou," Liam remarks like the smart ass he is from beside him.

"You think I don't know that, Liam?"

Louis watches Liam struggle with their backpacks to hold the door open for Louis. He wants to laugh, but he's in a bad mood.

"Someone's in a bad mood."

Louis points needle eyes at Liam before resuming his painstaking quest to first period.

"Yeah, well it's your fault."

Louis is like this for the rest of the day. Everyone keeps asking him why he's on crutches and he settles for the briefest, least-inviting explanation he can think of, hoping that they get the message to shut the fuck up. And if they give him a dirty look behind his back and talk about what a dick he is, he doesn't give a shit. That's their problem, not his.

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