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{After Tryouts Day #2}

It's been five minutes since the second day of tryouts have ended, and Louis would be lying if he said that he isn't nervous to stay after with Coach Styles. As much as he'd like to think that he is not intimidated of his coach in the least bit, he finds himself getting anxious whenever Harry is around, seemingly for no reason. Maybe it's his towering height that scares Louis, or his controlling demeanor and piercing green eyes. Whatever it is, he can feel the same nervousness right now building in his gut that he felt yesterday as Harry beckons for Louis to come over. Reluctantly, he walks up to the center of the field where Harry is standing and tries his best to radiate confidence and slight irritation as he stands before Harry, a hand on his hip. Though when Louis has to tilt his neck back just to glare up at him, he is reminded of how short he is and and his scowl deepens. Harry might be able to tower over him like this and be all intimidating, but Louis has the big attitude to match. With a lingering once-over of Louis, a brief and slightly mischievous glint flashes in Harry's eye before he speaks.

"Louis Tomlinson," he says lowly, carefully, like it's a dangerous name. "You're going to make it up to me now."

The words themselves and the way that they confidently they roll off of Harry's tongue strike a certain nerve in Louis, and he represses a shudder, willing himself not to give into...whatever it is that Harry is trying to do to him. Harry seems to sense his discomfort, and the corners of his lips pull into a devious smirk. Louis swallows, but refuses to break eye contact, convincing himself that his ability to hold Harry's fiery hot stare is an achievement.

"What do I have to do?" Louis asks, a hint of bitterness in his tone.

He can't help it, being alone with his irresistibly hot, yet frustratingly insufferable coach after practice is exactly the last thing he wanted to be doing right now. He doesn't even have any clue as to what Harry's going to make him do as punishment for being late yesterday. Probably a million suicides or something. Harry leans forward in the slightest, so close now that his curls almost brush against Louis's cheek when the wind blows. The fact that they are so close to the point where they are almost touching sort of electrifies Louis. It's strange to be so near to Harry right now, because as often as Louis already finds himself forgetting, Harry really is his coach, and they are technically not too far from crossing coach/player boundaries. But even stranger, Louis still feels an odd pull of some sorts, like a craving to be closer. Harry's eyes look down over Louis's figure, always observing. Louis's hands shake a little.

"I'll let you choose how to do it," Harry says, his breath puffing against Louis's face. "Would you like to hear the options?"

Louis hesitates, then gives in with a sigh. "Yes." Whatever.

The corner of Harry's lips tug up a little. That's when Louis knows he must really be in for it.

"The first is that you run sprints," Harry says. "Lots of 'em." Louis resists the urge to roll his eyes. Predictable.

"And the second?"

"You do whatever I say for the next half hour."

Harry's pink tongue darts out between his lips for a second, his green eyes gleaming, and it's silent for a moment. Louis holds his breath. It's obvious that this whole situation is heading nowhere good, but he can't help but to be curious. Part of his is surprised that Harry is asking this of him, but then again, he does have the choice to say no. Thinking it through, he really doesn't want to do any more sprints than they had already done at tryouts that day. He can't believe he is about to say yes to this. It's practically a death wish.


Harry's smirk grows to a full-on, devilish grin, and he rocks back on his heels, his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Louis suddenly feels like a prisoner, stuck here on Harrys watch, completely under his thumb, and doing whatever he pleases for the next half an hour. His hands are clenched by his sides to keep then from shaking noticeably, but of course, Harry has probably already seen. He is honestly scared for what Harry is going to make him do.

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