Chapter 4: Realization

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~Lucy's POV~

Natsu drove a motorcycle. He may be one of the only students to own one. I was extremely embarrassed when I had to sit directly behind him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist as I looked at the passing scenery. The cool September air helped tame my burning cheeks.

Natsu had plopped his helmet on my head and buckled it. I was wearing his only helmet. His actions made my heart flutter.

A light shower of rain fell on us, but I felt safe by Natsu. He pulled up to my house and parked his bike.

"Thank you for everything, I really appreciate it." I unbuckled my helmet and handed it to him. I swung my legs over the side of the bike and landed on the sidewalk.

"That's two Blondie," he smirked and brought up his kick stand. He drove away quickly, fumes escaping the back of his bike.

I ran towards my door and slammed the key into the lock. I opened it swiftly and forced my body through the small opening. I shut it immediately, placing my hand over my heart.

Why was my heart always beating so fast when I was around Natsu? I might have to notify a doctor of my irregular heart beat.

I ran my fingers through my hair, removing the sweat that was forming at my temples.

I hit my back against the door and slid down the wall. I sat on the floor, wondering what was wrong with me?

I suddenly heard a noise escape the kitchen. My ears strained towards the noise, demanding its discovery.

I stood up and headed towards the mysterious noise. As I entered the kitchen, I saw my dad secretly trying to shove five beer bottles into the recycling.

"Dad," I sighed as I leaned against the doorway. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot out of disappointment. "I thought you said you were going to stop." He turned around towards me, obviously startled by my presence.

"Oh, don't worry about it," my dad said shooing me away. His words were heavily slurred. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a glass cup from the cabinets. I filled it with some tap water.

"Come on, up to bed," I said as I guided his intoxicated body up the stairs. I hated this, he did this at least once a week. He got really drunk, to the point where I have to basically babysit him for the night.

I tucked him in bed, and placed the glass of water on his bedside table. I shut off the lights, and closed his door.


"Gray!" I yelled as I ran up towards him. I slapped his backpack to try and scare him. He turned around with a smirk, not surprised to see me.

"Good try," he said as I smiled. His dark eyes showed compassion, he seemed to be really happy.

"Darn," I said as I snapped my fingers. "Ugh I am so tired," I said as I slapped my cheeks.

"Same," Gray said through a laugh.

"I think I've already caught senioritis." It was only the second day of school, and I was ready to graduate.

"Lucy?" I familiar voice shouted from behind me. I turned around to see Juvia, she looked gorgeous. She was wearing a white sundress that complimented her blue hair quite nicely. She might have well been a Greek Goddess.

"You look great!" I said as I grabbed her hands. She closed her eyes and smiled at me.

She opened her eyes, instantly darting towards Gray. Her eyes filled with light, but she looked at the ground. A small tint of pink covered her cheeks.

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