Chapter 20: Surprise

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~Lucy's POV~

After giggling the night away, Natsu had to drive my drunk ass home. I stumbled trying to get into the elevator.

"Hey Guildarts!" I screamed loudly, throwing my hand into the air. Guildart's head snapped in my direction, his glasses hanging low on his nose. He rolled his eyes at the sight of me, giving Natsu a questioning look. All Natsu did was shrug and smile.

"Try to keep quiet for the courtesy of the other guests." This was the first time that I had ever seen Guildarts act professionally towards his job.

"Have a good night! See you tomorrow!" I waved at him while being dragged into the elevator. I giggled, my drunken body stumbling into Natsu's arms.

"Damn Blondie, you're such a light weight." Natsu said as he held my arms to keep me from prancing around the small space. I just couldn't stop giggling, it was physically impossible.

"Yea," I said as I hugged him. "But you still love me anyway." I placed a quick peck on Natsu's lips and continued to struggle. "Let me go," I whined as held my arms out like a child.

"Geez you're a lot more difficult to handle like this." Natsu let go and crossed his arms. "But it's true, I just can't stop loving you." A light pink color crept across his cheeks, pixelated due to my drunken vision.

"Ding!" I yelled after the elevator beeped. I don't know why that was so funny! I held my stomach as we entered his apartment. It had begun to ache due to my extreme amount of laughter.

"Come on Blondie," Natsu said with a tone of annoyance in his eyes. He laid his hand on my back and guided me through the door. I entered the room with a spin, almost tripping in the process. I instantly ran to the kitchen and grabbed the mistletoe that had been hanging above the stove.

I held it behind my back to hide it from Natsu. He was busy hanging up our coats in the near mudroom. I sprinted past him and jumped on the couch.

"Weeeee!" I said as I flew through the air. I landed on the soft, gray cotton with a thud. "Natsuuuu, come here!" I whined, longing his presence. He chuckled and adjusted his sleeve cuff. It was extremely attractive. I stared a little too long, but quickly shook my head.

"What do you want me to do?" Natsu said as he sat next to me, his watch reflecting the holiday lights from the nearby Christmas tree.

"Lay down." I poked his chest as he fell against the multiple pillows placed in the corner of the couch. I had made sure that he hadn't seen the mistletoe in my free hand. He looked quite surprised at my actions, his eyes enlarging.

I climbed over his chest, straddling him. His cheeks instantly turned red as I basically sat on him. His lips were agape as he stared at me up and down. I didn't really take notice that I was wearing a dress. It was probably inappropriately riding up.

I really didn't care, I couldn't with the light buzz going on in my head. I shoved the mistletoe in his face, showing a devious smile.

"You know what they say about mistletoe." I hung it over both of our heads, sticking my tongue out in the process. After a moment of hesitation, a small smile appeared on Natsu's lips. I threw the mistletoe behind me as I leaned closer to him. My arms were on either side of him as our lips made contact.

I started running my hands through Natsu's hair, something that Natsu really enjoyed. I felt Natsu hands move to my lower back as we continued kissing. Natsu pulled away from our kiss and sat up, wrapping my legs around him. The tables had been turned and I was now sitting in his lap.

"Are you sober enough to know what you're doing Lucy?" Natsu asked with a smirk on his lips, playing with a piece of my hair.

"Yes," I replied quite seriously. I looked at him straight in the eyes to convince him. His onyx eyes were filled with happiness. Natsu gently pushed the back of my head towards him, our lips locking once again. Our cheeks were both the color of freshly picked apples.

He picked me up, my legs still wrapped around him. We headed to his bedroom, shutting the door behind us.


December and January had past quite quickly. We had now entered the icy month of February.

I continued to see my dad once a week, but still had doubts of moving back in with him. I guess I've been living with Natsu for so long that it would be weird to leave now.

Gray and Juvia finally started dating right at the end of the year. I remember the compassionate look in Juvia's eyes when she told me. I was so excited for them to start their relationship.

Levy has told me quite frequently that she has a crush on this guy named Gajeel. Just a reminder that this guy is filled with metal piercings and tattoos. I was a little worried at first, but once I saw them together, I was sold.

I've been keeping my grades up and applying to some of the colleges near by. I wanted to be an elementary teacher because I love kids so much.

Natsu wants to be an engineer, so he can like fix his bike and stuff when it breaks down. We've been really good.

We've gotten into a few little arguments about what to have for dinner, or to stay in or go out. Arguing in a relationship is healthy if it isn't going too far. We usually just say sorry and declare a stalemate.

Natsu is just such a great guy. He takes care of me when I'm sick, always surprises me with little gifts, and accepts me for who I am.

My life is going great. I've had experiences that I never thought would ever happen. It's amazing how one person can change your entire life.

A knock on the door distracted me from my thoughts. I was reading a book in front of the fireplace while Natsu was in the shower.

I tied the white robe around my body to cover myself. I only have a light cami and underwear on. I walked to the door and flung it open.

A lady who looked liked she was in her 50s stood in front of me. She has a few wrinkles surrounding her mouth. She was very short with piercing onyx eyes. Her skin looked so pale and delicate. I was surprised by how thin she was, causing me to mentally gasp. Her hair was dark brown.

"Hello deary, you must be Lucy." She showed me a cute smile, my confusion still heavy.

"Y-yes, that's me." Maybe this was some kind of relative that had come to visit? I couldn't connect any relations with her.

"The young man at the desk told me who you were, don't worry." I instantly sighed out of relief.

"How may I help you?" I asked politely, a small smile falling upon my lips.

"Is Natsu home?" I raised my eye brows out of confusion once again.

"He's currently in the shower right now. Can I ask what relation you two have?"

"Oh he really hasn't told you about me?" She looked really disappointed. "I'm his mother." 

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