Chapter 6

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Published: 10/26/2015; Monday; 12:25am; Unedited

I had never really thought of Asuna to like someone like Kirito, so finding this out was a major shock. I had returned to the front lines' meeting when I got a message from Kirito saying that Asuna didn't want to send the message and asked him to do it.

Long story short, Asuna needed me back and didn't want to admit it.


I told Yuu I would come back to visit him, and he gave me a present, a cute, normal outfit. It seemed more an attire to wear at home than out on the battlefield.


Maybe I should buy a house...

"MUE!" I snapped my eyes open and sat up, looking up at Kirito who chuckled at my response. I groaned and lied back down, him lying down next to me. "You skipped the meeting."

"I'm still pissed at Asuna from when I came back. Acting as if it were my fault I hadn't gone to the front lines, how was I supposed to know what that plan was if she kicked me out. Hmph." I muttered, closing my eyes and sighing.

I should practice sewing with this free time I have.

Eh, nap first....


I sat up, stretching, noting the sun setting and Kirito sitting on the wall, staring off at the distance. I look over to the side and jerk slightly, seeing Asuna asleep quietly on the grass, probably to most peacefully gently face I've seen on her since we've met-- and Asuna and I met quite a while back, so that's saying something.

I stood and walked over to Kirito, jumping and throwing my legs over the wall, landing in a sitting position next to him. He glanced over at me before looking back at the sun, my lips twitched and I brought out my menu, taking out my sewing materials and utensils. I began sewing once again, the sun setting a bit more before I heard Asuna yawning and the rustling of grass. Kirito and I both turned a bit to look back at her, she was propped up with her arms, her head turned to look at us. I almost laughed when I saw the drowsy expression she had, a piece of grass stuck on her face, and a bit of saliva trickling down from the corner of her mouth.

I then rolled my eyes and went back to sewing, "Morning, sleeping beauty."

Suddenly, she made an incoherent exclamation, and there was more rustling. Kirito immediately jumped off the wall and crouched, hiding behind it, though peeking over the top. I glanced back once again, she was standing in an offensive stance, an embarrassed blush across her cheeks, and a glare pointed at both of us. Then she breathed, and sighed.

"One meal."


I glanced around, annoyed. After Asuna took us to a restaurant, her and Kirito began talking a lot, getting buddy-buddy-- more like lovey-dovey. So I left.  I was looking at houses for sail, and I just couldn't find anything I liked.

"Mue-san?" I turned around and I smiled, jogging over to him.

"Hello, Yuu, what are you doing here?" His face went a bit pink as he scratched the back of his head and looked over to the house we were standing next to.

"I live in this house, today and tomorrow are my day off," I looked at the house and nodded. "What about you?"

"Nice choice, I'm actually looking for a house myself, though none seem to meet my tastes. I think I'm going to wait until later floors to actually get a home. Gives me time to build up the col as well."

He mulled over the information and nodded, then clearer his throat, "My house has an extra bedroom, if you ever need a place to stay." I laughed and patted his arm.

"Thank you for the offer, I'll take you up on it when I need it. I should actually be heading for the next boss battle."

"Ah, so the rumor is true? You guys found the boss room?"

"Pfft, I did. I just love seeing Asuna's face when they find the boss room and I'm just sitting there, waiting for them. The anger, the embarrassment; petty revenge, really, but I love it." I shook my head and looked up to the fake sky I've come to love.

"Heard that too, people say that the Ice Queen and Lightning Flash don't get along...ever." I scowled.

"You got that right."

"Oh, how are your sewing skills?"

"Actually, they're pretty g--"

"Mue!" I looked over my shoulder to see Kirito running over. When he reached me, he glanced at Yuu, an emotion I've never seen in him flashing within his eyes but quickly disappeared. He looked back at me as I waited patiently for him to tell me what he wanted to say. "Asuna says to hurry or you won't be part of the fight."

I smirk.

"Does she really want to test me on caring if I fight in the front lines or not again? I could honestly stay here with Yuu and continue my sewing," I sighed, "but then again, I really need a fight."

"Go ahead, Mue-san, duty calls," Yuu chuckled, I looked back to him and smiled once again.

"I'll take you up on your offer tonight, yeah? After the battle, I'll be exhausted. Perfect time to relax with trying to sew."

He laughed and nodded, "See you later, Mue-san." He waved and went to the stairs of his home. I waved the turned to Kirito and blinked.

"What's wrong Kirito?"

"You're smiling."

I rolled my eyes, smile still present, "I have emotions, Kirito. Just nobody ever tries to actually get to know me." I frowned, not even you.

"...I see-- wait, you said you would come by later? At night? With a guy?!"

"You offered me a place to stay until I get my own house, silly. I can honestly come whenever I want, and tonight is a night where I know I'm not going to want to stay at a noisy hotel with fighters from the front line cheering."

"...lets go."

"Huh--hey, Kirito, wait up!"

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